Description on Youtube:
Lyudmilla Fuentes - 16 years old
Maestro Joana Pons
During the summer of 2011, she was given the opportunity to participate in "Bel Canto Institute" from New York held in Florence, Italy. She has worked with opera coaches that have been assistant conductors from the Met and leading voice instructors associated with the Metropolitan Opera. She was given the opportunity to spend a month in Florence, Italy sudying with the top musicians of our time from the Metropolitian Opera, while learning Italian, & taking Diction classes.
Italian text:
Amarilli, mia bella
Non credi, o del mio cor dolce desio,
D'esser tu l'amor mio?
Credilo pur, e se timor t'assale,
Prendi questo mio strale,
Aprimi il petto e vedrai scritto in core:
Amarilli, Amarilli, Amarailli è il mio amore.
English translation:
Amarilli, lovely Amarilli
Believest thee not, oh my heart's sweet desire
tis thou my heart aspires?
Believe, tis true: yet should a dread besiege thee
doubt not, tis vane
rip my bosom open, and there inscribed you'll see
Amarilli, Amarilli, Amaraillys
My sweetest love art thee