
Brocéliande au matin

Ladmirault Paul | Sanderling Stefan

Information about this music video:

7m 41s
Title on Youtube:
Paul Ladmirault (1877-1944) : Brocéliande au matin, poème symphonique (1909)
Description on Youtube:
Paul Ladmirault (1877-1944) (France) Brocéliande au matin, poème symphonique (1909) Dir : Stefan Sanderling On collectionCB2 we can also listen to Paul Ladmirault's « Valse triste », for piano and orchestra (1933). LIST OF UPLOADS OF COLLECTIONCB, COLLECTIONCB2 and COLLECTIONCB3 and IDEAL "DISCOTHEQUE" OF MORE THAN 1,300 ORCHESTRAL WORKS OF FEELINGS :