
Fidelio. Ópera en dos actos

Beethoven Ludwig (van) | Böhm Karl

Information about this music video:

1h 51m 45s
Title on Youtube:
Beethoven "Fidelio" - Jones, King, Neidlinger ( Böhm ) - Spanish Subs
Description on Youtube:
Ludwig van Beethoven - Fidelio Leonore -- Gwyneth Jones Florestan -- James King Don Pizarro -- Gustav Neidlinger Rocco -- Josef Greindl Don Fernando -- Martti Talvela Marzelline -- Olivera Miljakovic Jaquino -- Donald Grobe Erster Gefangener -- Barry McDaniel Zweiter Gefangener -- Manfred Röhrl Orchestra and Chorus of Deutschen Oper Berlin Conducted by Karl Böhm Directed by Gustav Rudolf Sellner Spanish Subs / Subtítulos en español