genocidio palestina
From this humble page we want to denounce
the genocidal terrorism that the State of Israel has
been exercising against the Palestinian People.
genocidio palestina
From this humble page we want to denounce
the genocidal terrorism that the State of Israel has
been exercising against the Palestinian People.

Piano y acompañamiento

Rapsodia Portuguesa

Rapsodia Portuguesa
19m 53s
Halffter Ernesto
Leaper Adrian, Martínez-Ramos Francisco
Audio,Piano y acompañamiento,Posromanticismo,Rapsodia

Piano Concerto

Piano Concerto
23m 21s
Halffter Cristóbal
Hodges Nicolas, Kalmar Carlos
Piano y acompañamiento, Piano, Vanguardia

Piano Concerto No. 1 - I Vivace

Piano Concerto No. 1 - I Vivace
15m 43s
Rachmaninoff Sergei
Niemierowski Nicolas, Sapiecha-Muzioł Małgorzata
Concierto, Parte, Piano y acompañamiento, Romanticismo