genocidio palestina
From this humble page we want to denounce
the genocidal terrorism that the State of Israel has
been exercising against the Palestinian People.
genocidio palestina
From this humble page we want to denounce
the genocidal terrorism that the State of Israel has
been exercising against the Palestinian People.


Concertos For Oboe & Oboe D'Amore

Concertos For Oboe & Oboe D'Amore
1h 8m 31s
Bach Johann Sebastian
Hommel Christian
Álbum,Concierto,Oboe y acompañamiento,Oboe de amor y acompañamiento,Barroco,Audio

Concertos For Oboe & Oboe D'Amore

Concertos For Oboe & Oboe D'Amore
1h 8m 31s
Bach Johann Sebastian
Hommel Christian
Álbum,Oboe y acompañamiento,Oboe de amor y acompañamiento,Barroco,Audio

Brandenburg Konzerte 1-6, BWV 1046 1051

Brandenburg Konzerte 1-6, BWV 1046 1051
1h 38m 53s
Bach Johann Sebastian
Richter Karl
Barroco, Concierto para varios instrumentos, Álbum

Violin Concertos

Violin Concertos
2h 6m 49s
Bach Johann Sebastian
Jullien Louis
Álbum, Concierto, Violín y acompañamiento, Barroco, Audio