genocidio palestina
From this humble page we want to denounce
the genocidal terrorism that the State of Israel has
been exercising against the Palestinian People.
genocidio palestina
From this humble page we want to denounce
the genocidal terrorism that the State of Israel has
been exercising against the Palestinian People.

Alto Rhapsody Op. 53

Alto Rhapsody Op. 53
15m 11s
Brahms Johannes
Mingardo Sara
Rapsodia, Contralto, Coro y orquesta, Subtítulos en castellano, Romanticismo

La canción del destino

La canción del destino
17m 21s
Brahms Johannes
Herreweghe Philippe
Coro y orquesta,Romanticismo

Doble Concerto 3er mov Part 1

Doble Concerto 3er mov Part 1
6m 28s
Brahms Johannes
Marturet Eduardo, Molina Cestari William, Robillard Virginie
Concierto,Violín violoncello y acompañamiento,Parte,Romanticismo

Double Concerto in A minor, Op 102

Double Concerto in A minor, Op 102
33m 55s
Brahms Johannes
Fischer Julia, Müller-Schott Daniel, Poppen Christoph
Doble concierto, Violín violoncello y acompañamiento, Romanticismo