genocidio palestina
From this humble page we want to denounce
the genocidal terrorism that the State of Israel has
been exercising against the Palestinian People.
genocidio palestina
From this humble page we want to denounce
the genocidal terrorism that the State of Israel has
been exercising against the Palestinian People.

Bach was born on March 31, 1685

Haydn was born on March 31, 1732.

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Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Today we meet one of the three giants of Western music along with Mozart and Beethoven . He was a German violinist, organist, conductor and composer, born in Eisenach into the most prominent musical family in history. In 1703 he got his first job in Arndstat and in 1707 he moved to Mülhausen as an organist, where he married his cousin Maria Barbara with whom he had seven children. After the death of his wife in 1720, after a year and a half of widowhood, he married again to Maria Magdalena with whom he would have another thirteen children. In 1723 he moved to Leipzig where he would reside until his death at the age of 65. His influence has been notable on Haydn , Mozart , Beethoven , Mendelssohn , Schumann , Chopin ... and many other renowned composers.

A cantata is a piece of music written to be sung by one or more solo voices with instrumental accompaniment, generally articulated in several movements and sometimes with a chorus. The oldest type of cantata , known as a camera cantata , was born towards the end of the 17th century , composed for a solo voice on a secular text; the religious cantata was created for religious rites and its great teacher was Johann Sebastian Bach ; his cantatas were generally articulated with an initial chorus in which the sopranos began the musical theme, completed by a succession of arias , recitatives and chorales , sometimes with passages of solo instruments that played the melody prepared for the voice. The fundamental difference with the oratorio is that it has a plot that supports it.

The Cantata BWV 51 Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen (Shout for God in all nations!) is a religious cantata written by Johann Sebastian Bach . It is one of the four sacred cantatas that Bach wrote for soprano, without other vocal soloists, in this case accompanied by a trumpet, two violins, viola and basso continuo. Both the soprano part and the trumpet part that sometimes exchanges melodic lines with the soprano, are extremely virtuosic. The cantata consists of five movements, of which today we will only present the first, Aria , whose title Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen also gives title to the cantata. Today presented by the coloratura lyric soprano, Kathleen Battle (1948), and the trumpeter Wynton Marsalis

Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809), Austrian composer whose brother Michael Haydn was also a notable composer, was one of the main pillars on which classicism was based (1750-1810). At the age of six he began his studies of harpsichord and violin. At the age of eight he was admitted as a chorister at St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna where he received lessons in singing, piano and violin. After losing his voice, he had to survive by working multiple jobs, while studying composition by analyzing the works of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach . He maintained a close friendship with Mozart and was Beethoven 's teacher. He laid the main foundations of the sonata form and the formal structure of the string quartet and the symphony . He died at the age of 77 in Vienna .

Symphony No. 49 was written in 1768 by Joseph Haydn . Its nickname "The Passion" is believed to come directly from the musical characteristics of the composition: structure of the archaic Sinfonia da Chiesa (slow, fast, slow, fast) , in minor mode and the association with the author's Sturm und Drang period. According to H. C. Robbins Landon it is a work of "dark colors, somber, and even tragic". The symphony is structured in four movements, of which today we present the second, Allegro di molto, by the hand of the teacher Barbara Hannigan , Canadian soprano and conductor (1971), who has conducted since 2011 the Berlin Philharmonic and other orchestras in Munich, Toronto, Cleveland, Gothenburg Prague ...

Sturm und Drang (storm and assault) is a term that does not come from music but from literature, understood as a reaction against the Baroque . In music, polyphonic structure and speculation or mathematical symbolism are criticized, as well as formulas that do not allow for adequate and simple expression, the objective, rational and comprehensible method. Emotional intensity, subjectivity in expression and rebellion against social and artistic conventions are transferred to music through a wide range of resources: wide intervals, intense dissonances, agile syncopations, tremolo passages, dense textures, irregular phrases, activity in high registers, suspended cadences, unexpected silences and abrupt contrasts of dynamics, textures, harmonies and rhythm. By creating a reinforced tension and including a passionate gravity, a new dramatic sense is achieved, foreign to classicism.

Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809), Austrian composer whose brother Michael Haydn was also a notable composer, was one of the main pillars on which classicism was based (1750-1810). At the age of six he began his studies of harpsichord and violin. At the age of eight he was admitted as a chorister at St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna where he received lessons in singing, piano and violin. After losing his voice, he had to survive by working multiple jobs, while studying composition by analyzing the works of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach . He maintained a close friendship with Mozart and was Beethoven 's teacher. He laid the main foundations of the sonata form and the formal structure of the string quartet and the symphony . He died at the age of 77 in Vienna .

Symphony No. 49 was written in 1768 by Joseph Haydn . Its nickname "The Passion" is believed to come directly from the musical characteristics of the composition: structure of the archaic Sinfonia da Chiesa (slow, fast, slow, fast) , in minor mode and the association with the author's Sturm und Drang period. According to H. C. Robbins Landon it is a work of "dark colors, somber, and even tragic". The symphony is structured in four movements, of which today we present the second, Allegro di molto, by the hand of the teacher Barbara Hannigan , Canadian soprano and conductor (1971), who has conducted since 2011 the Berlin Philharmonic and other orchestras in Munich, Toronto, Cleveland, Gothenburg Prague ...

Sturm und Drang (storm and assault) is a term that does not come from music but from literature, understood as a reaction against the Baroque . In music, polyphonic structure and speculation or mathematical symbolism are criticized, as well as formulas that do not allow for adequate and simple expression, the objective, rational and comprehensible method. Emotional intensity, subjectivity in expression and rebellion against social and artistic conventions are transferred to music through a wide range of resources: wide intervals, intense dissonances, agile syncopations, tremolo passages, dense textures, irregular phrases, activity in high registers, suspended cadences, unexpected silences and abrupt contrasts of dynamics, textures, harmonies and rhythm. By creating a reinforced tension and including a passionate gravity, a new dramatic sense is achieved, foreign to classicism.

Georges Bizet (1836-1875) was a French pianist and composer who did not enjoy much success during his lifetime. Bizet won several awards during his brilliant career as a student at the Paris Conservatoire , including the prestigious Prix de Rome in 1857. He was recognised as an exceptional pianist, although he preferred not to exploit his ability and rarely played in public. His best-known opera, Carmen , was a sensational success at its premiere, but he did not enjoy it as he died of a heart attack three months later at the age of 39. His other works were neglected and gradually rescued in the 20th century. Despite this, he is now considered a benchmark of the 19th century and a brilliant and imaginative composer.

Carmen is a dramatic opera in four acts with music by Georges Bizet and a libretto in French by Ludovic Halévy and Henri Meilhac , based on the novel Carmen by Prosper Mérimée . The action takes place in Seville in 1820 and features a beautiful and impulsive gypsy with a strong character. Today we present the March and the “Toreador” Chorus from Act IV of Bizet's opera Carmen in a version by the Orchestra and Choir Voces para la Paz 2007 conducted by the Valencian maestro Enrique García Asensio .

Jacques Ibert (1890 – 1962) was a French composer of classical music. Ibert was born in Paris to a wealthy family. His father, Antoine Ibert , a businessman and merchant, was an amateur violinist, while his mother, Marguerite Lartigue Ibert , was an accomplished pianist. In his childhood, Jacques was surrounded by musicians, painters and poets who would have a profound impact on his career. Ibert began his musical training at a very early age, studying the violin when he was four years old and later the piano. He studied with Paul Vidal, Emile Pessard and André Gédalge at the Paris Conservatoire and it was in Gédalge 's class that he met Arthur Honegger and Darius Milhaud , with whom he maintained a lifelong friendship. Ibert 's music is typically considered to be very "light" in character, often witty, colourfully orchestrated with attractive melodies. From 1937 he was director of the French Academy in Rome , and from 1955 to 1957 he directed the Opéra-Comique in Paris . He died in Paris.

Concertino (musical composition) is a short concerto in a freer form. It usually takes the form of a one-movement musical composition for solo instrument(s) and orchestra, although some concertinos are written in several movements played without a break. It should be distinguished from the concertino (violinist) who is the principal first violinist and leader of the orchestra.

Concertino Da Camera , written in 1935 by Jacques Ibert (1890-1962) is a short concerto for alto saxophone and eleven instruments: flute, bassoon, oboe, horn, trumpet and strings. This concertino in two movements: I (0´27´´) ALLEGRO CON MOTO and II (1´35´´) LARGHETTO - ANIMATO MOLTO, is dedicated to the saxophonist Sigurd Rascher and stands out for its great use of the alto saxophone. It is technically challenging while having a great lyrical part. (Taken from the Web La Musa). Today it is offered to us by the Russian saxophonist Nikita Zimin .

Jacques Ibert (1890 – 1962) was a French composer of classical music. Ibert was born in Paris to a wealthy family. His father, Antoine Ibert , a businessman and merchant, was an amateur violinist, while his mother, Marguerite Lartigue Ibert , was an accomplished pianist. In his childhood, Jacques was surrounded by musicians, painters and poets who would have a profound impact on his career. Ibert began his musical training at a very early age, studying the violin when he was four years old and later the piano. He studied with Paul Vidal, Emile Pessard and André Gédalge at the Paris Conservatoire and it was in Gédalge 's class that he met Arthur Honegger and Darius Milhaud , with whom he maintained a lifelong friendship. Ibert 's music is typically considered to be very "light" in character, often witty, colourfully orchestrated with attractive melodies. From 1937 he was director of the French Academy in Rome , and from 1955 to 1957 he directed the Opéra-Comique in Paris . He died in Paris.

Concertino (musical composition) is a short concerto in a freer form. It usually takes the form of a one-movement musical composition for solo instrument(s) and orchestra, although some concertinos are written in several movements played without a break. It should be distinguished from the concertino (violinist) who is the principal first violinist and leader of the orchestra.

Concertino Da Camera , written in 1935 by Jacques Ibert (1890-1962) is a short concerto for alto saxophone and eleven instruments: flute, bassoon, oboe, horn, trumpet and strings. This concertino in two movements: I (0´27´´) ALLEGRO CON MOTO and II (1´35´´) LARGHETTO - ANIMATO MOLTO, is dedicated to the saxophonist Sigurd Rascher and stands out for its great use of the alto saxophone. It is technically challenging while having a great lyrical part. (Taken from the Web La Musa). Today it is offered to us by the Russian saxophonist Nikita Zimin .

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The Concerto is a musical form written for one or more solo instruments accompanied by an instrumental ensemble. It was Vivaldi who established the fundamental bases of its structure with three movements ( I fast-II slow-III fast ) and presented as a dialogue between the soloists and the instrumental ensemble. From classicism onwards (1750-1810), especially from the bases created by CPE Bach , the first movement is built following the patterns of the sonata form (exposition, development and reexposition) , while the second and third movements adopt free and punctual forms. Frequently (not always), at the end of the first and/or third movements, the soloists have a cadenza without orchestral accompaniment with which to show off their virtuosity.

The Violin Concerto in A minor, BWV 1041 seems to have been written by BACH shortly after moving to Leipzig and structured in the manner proposed by Vivaldi ; that is, in three movements: Fast-Slow-Fast, which in the present case is specified in I (0´44´´) ALLEGRO .-. II (4´29´´) ANDANTE.-. III (10´38´´) ALLEGRO ASSAI.

Today’s soloist, Julia Fischer (1983), a German national, is a violin and piano virtuoso. At the age of twelve she won the Yehudi Menuhin Violin Prize and in 2007 she was named “Artist of the Year” by Gramophon magazine. To not go on listing her numerous awards, we will say that although she is devoted to the violin, she has never wanted to stray away from the piano. She has performed in the world’s leading concert halls with the best conductors as a violin soloist, although she has also performed sporadically as a piano soloist.

Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809), Austrian composer whose brother Michael Haydn was also a notable composer, was one of the main pillars on which classicism was based (1750-1820). At the age of six he began his studies of harpsichord and violin. At the age of eight he was admitted as a chorister at St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna where he continued his musical studies. After losing his voice, he had to survive by working various jobs, while studying composition by analyzing the works of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach . He maintained a close friendship with Mozart and was Beethoven 's teacher . He laid the main foundations of the sonata form and the formal structure of the string quartet and the symphony. He died at the age of 77 in Vienna .

Symphony . The word symphony derives from the Latin symphonĭa, which in turn comes from the Greek συμφωνία (symphōnía), meaning "consonance" as opposed to διαφωνία (diaphōnia), meaning "dissonance." In the Middle Ages and later, the word symphony was used to describe various instruments, especially those capable of producing more than one sound simultaneously in the sense of "sounding together." The word began to appear in the titles of some works by 16th- and 17th- century composers; by the late 18th century the word had acquired the common meaning assigned to it today: a work usually consisting of several distinct sections or movements and most often composed for orchestra.

Symphony No. 101 in D major is the ninth of the twelve so-called London Symphonies composed by Joseph Haydn . It is popularly known as the Clock Symphony because of the ticking rhythm of the second movement (8'55''). Haydn composed it for his second visit to London (1794–1795). As with all his London Symphonies , the public response was very enthusiastic. The work has always been popular and continues to appear frequently in concert programmes and recordings of the international repertoire. The symphony is structured in four movements: I (0'33'') ADAGIO – (2'20'') PRESTO .-. II (8'55'') ANDANTE .-. III (16'35'') MENUETTO: ALLEGRETTO .-. IV (24´00´´) VIVACE. Today we are offered by the Galicia Symphony under the baton of British maestro Richard Egarr

Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809), Austrian composer whose brother Michael Haydn was also a notable composer, was one of the main pillars on which classicism was based (1750-1820). At the age of six he began his studies of harpsichord and violin. At the age of eight he was admitted as a chorister at St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna where he continued his musical studies. After losing his voice, he had to survive by working various jobs, while studying composition by analyzing the works of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach . He maintained a close friendship with Mozart and was Beethoven 's teacher . He laid the main foundations of the sonata form and the formal structure of the string quartet and the symphony. He died at the age of 77 in Vienna .

Symphony . The word symphony derives from the Latin symphonĭa, which in turn comes from the Greek συμφωνία (symphōnía), meaning "consonance" as opposed to διαφωνία (diaphōnia), meaning "dissonance." In the Middle Ages and later, the word symphony was used to describe various instruments, especially those capable of producing more than one sound simultaneously in the sense of "sounding together." The word began to appear in the titles of some works by 16th- and 17th- century composers; by the late 18th century the word had acquired the common meaning assigned to it today: a work usually consisting of several distinct sections or movements and most often composed for orchestra.

Symphony No. 101 in D major is the ninth of the twelve so-called London Symphonies composed by Joseph Haydn . It is popularly known as the Clock Symphony because of the ticking rhythm of the second movement (8'55''). Haydn composed it for his second visit to London (1794–1795). As with all his London Symphonies , the public response was very enthusiastic. The work has always been popular and continues to appear frequently in concert programmes and recordings of the international repertoire. The symphony is structured in four movements: I (0'33'') ADAGIO – (2'20'') PRESTO .-. II (8'55'') ANDANTE .-. III (16'35'') MENUETTO: ALLEGRETTO .-. IV (24´00´´) VIVACE. Today we are offered by the Galicia Symphony under the baton of British maestro Richard Egarr

Inocente Carreño (1919-2016) was a Venezuelan musician, composer and educator, born in Portamar , Margarita Island , and raised by his grandmother, who told him legends and sang traditional tunes from her native island. He began studying music with the bandmaster Lino Gutiérrez and played with his band at the age of nine. He continued his studies with Maestro Sojo , at the School of Music and Declamation , learned the trumpet with Federico Williams , joined the Orfeón Lamas as a singer and the Venezuelan Symphony Orchestra as a trumpeter, and in 1940 began his teaching career, which he combined with musical composition, which is extensive and of a nationalist character. He has written four Symphonic Overtures for orchestra, Suite for string orchestra, Satirical Symphony, Elegy for string orchestra, various symphonic poems, numerous songs for voice and orchestra; Likewise, chamber music such as a Quintet for oboe, flute, clarinet, horn and bassoon, two string quartets, pieces for flute and piano, pieces for solo piano (waltzes) and two suites for guitar.

Today we offer the Suite for guitar articulated in three movements: I (1'00'') PRELUDE .-. II (3'36'') MADRIGAL .-. III (6'22'') AIRE DE DANZA performed by guitarist Marion Sánchez .

Claude-Michel Schönberg (1944) is a French producer, actor, singer, popular music composer and theatre composer, best known for his collaborations with librettist Alain Boublil . Most of the music he has written has been for French songs, musicals and rock opera, such as La Révolution Francaise written in 1973 with himself playing the role of King Louis XVI in that year's production. In 1974 he wrote the music and lyrics for the song Le Premier Pas , which became number one in French popular music that year, selling nearly 1 million copies, with himself singing the song. In 1980 he premiered the musical Les Misérables , whose Selection we offer today and in 1989, Schönberg and Boublil shook London with the musical Miss Saigon . In its transition to Broadway , the show sold out (sold before its opening), earning $24 million before its April 11, 1991, premiere. The show was nominated for 10 Tony Awards , including Best Musical and Best Original Book . A new musical, Martin Guerre , opened in 1997, followed by The Pirate Queen, Margaret, and Cleopatra .

Les Misérables is a 19th century musical based on the novel of the same name by Victor Hugo , with music by Claude-Michel Schönberg and original French lyrics by Alain Boublil and Jean-Marc Natel . Set in early 19th-century France , the musical tells the story of Jean Valjean , an ex-convict of extraordinary strength who seeks redemption after serving nineteen years in prison for stealing a loaf of bread. Unable to find honest work because of his past, Valjean finds his way through the compassion of a kindly bishop, who inspires him to break his parole and start a new life under an assumed identity while suffering relentless pursuit by Inspector Javert through the years. The show premiered in 1980 at the Palais des Sports in Paris , five years later it made the leap to London and in 1987 it premiered on Broadway , whose production was nominated for twelve Tony Awards (of which it won eight), including best musical and best original libretto.

Today we present a selection of the musical in a Wind Band version offered by the Nontri Orchestra Wind conducted by Surapol Thunyawibool.

Claude-Michel Schönberg (1944) is a French producer, actor, singer, popular music composer and theatre composer, best known for his collaborations with librettist Alain Boublil . Most of the music he has written has been for French songs, musicals and rock opera, such as La Révolution Francaise written in 1973 with himself playing the role of King Louis XVI in that year's production. In 1974 he wrote the music and lyrics for the song Le Premier Pas , which became number one in French popular music that year, selling nearly 1 million copies, with himself singing the song. In 1980 he premiered the musical Les Misérables , whose Selection we offer today and in 1989, Schönberg and Boublil shook London with the musical Miss Saigon . In its transition to Broadway , the show sold out (sold before its opening), earning $24 million before its April 11, 1991, premiere. The show was nominated for 10 Tony Awards , including Best Musical and Best Original Book . A new musical, Martin Guerre , opened in 1997, followed by The Pirate Queen, Margaret, and Cleopatra .

Les Misérables is a 19th century musical based on the novel of the same name by Victor Hugo , with music by Claude-Michel Schönberg and original French lyrics by Alain Boublil and Jean-Marc Natel . Set in early 19th-century France , the musical tells the story of Jean Valjean , an ex-convict of extraordinary strength who seeks redemption after serving nineteen years in prison for stealing a loaf of bread. Unable to find honest work because of his past, Valjean finds his way through the compassion of a kindly bishop, who inspires him to break his parole and start a new life under an assumed identity while suffering relentless pursuit by Inspector Javert through the years. The show premiered in 1980 at the Palais des Sports in Paris , five years later it made the leap to London and in 1987 it premiered on Broadway , whose production was nominated for twelve Tony Awards (of which it won eight), including best musical and best original libretto.

Today we present a selection of the musical in a Wind Band version offered by the Nontri Orchestra Wind conducted by Surapol Thunyawibool.

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Keith Jarrett (Allentown, Pennsylvania, 1945) is an American jazz pianist and musician. He is one of the masters of avant-garde jazz , whose most outstanding production is a series of improvised pieces recorded live in Cologne, Paris, Milan, Vienna, Tokyo and other cities. These are probably his most famous works, but he is undoubtedly a tremendous virtuoso. Highly versatile, Keith has also performed music by European Baroque composers such as Johann Sebastian Bach and Georg Friedrich Händel , solo or in various line-ups that include, among others, the baroque flute virtuoso Michala Petri , contemporary minimalist composers such as Arvo Pärt or contemporary jazz musicians such as Miles Davis , with whom he began his career, Chick Corea, Jan Garbarek, Gary Peacock, Charlie Haden and Jack DeJohnette among others. He also performs pieces for classical piano, harpsichord, harpsichord and organ. After suffering two strokes in 2018 that left him with after-effects, he announced his retirement from acting in 2020.

Totó la Momposina (1940) was a Colombian singer born into a family of musicians; song and dance were innate to her and she expressed it from a very young age. Her music combines African and indigenous elements, just as it happened during the time of Spanish colonization in America . The rhythms that were born from this fusion were multiple, the most representative being the gaita, the cumbia, the porro, the chalupa, the sextet and the mapalé. After studying at the Conservatory of the National University of Colombia , she dedicated herself to touring Europe and studying at the Sorbonne University in Paris, as well as in Santiago de Cuba and Havana . She is one of the most recognized Colombian singers in Latin America and holds an Honorary Doctorate from the National Pedagogical University of Colombia .

Totó la Momposina (1940) was a Colombian singer born into a family of musicians; song and dance were innate to her and she expressed it from a very young age. Her music combines African and indigenous elements, just as it happened during the time of Spanish colonization in America . The rhythms that were born from this fusion were multiple, the most representative being the gaita, the cumbia, the porro, the chalupa, the sextet and the mapalé. After studying at the Conservatory of the National University of Colombia , she dedicated herself to touring Europe and studying at the Sorbonne University in Paris, as well as in Santiago de Cuba and Havana . She is one of the most recognized Colombian singers in Latin America and holds an Honorary Doctorate from the National Pedagogical University of Colombia .

Pablo Alborán (Málaga, 1989) is a Spanish singer-songwriter and musician who has been nominated for twenty-four Latin Grammy Awards since his debut, three in 2011. He has released six studio albums, two live albums, thirty-four singles, twenty-nine music videos and several musical collaborations. He debuted in 2010 with the release of his first single, " Solamente tú ", which was included in his self-titled debut album. The album was released in February 2011 and reached number one in its first week of sales, making him the first solo artist to debut at the top in Spain since 1998. According to Parlophone, Pablo Alborán has sold more than a million copies of his first three albums worldwide in two and a half years of career, being the best-selling artist in Portugal in 2012 and in Spain for two consecutive years (2011 and 2012).

Adia Chan (born 21 January 1971) is an Indonesian -born Hong Kong actress, singer and spokesperson. The daughter of a Chinese father and an Indonesian mother, her family moved to Hong Kong when she was about three years old. Adia entered show business in 1985 at the age of 14, and was the winner of a " Sally Yeh " impersonation contest hosted by TVB's television network on the show " Enjoy Yourself Tonight ". As an actress, she has worked in a number of films in both Hong Kong and Singapore and in several television series in mainland China . She also worked as a television host alongside Jacky Cheung on a music show called " Snow.Wolf.Lake ", broadcast in Mandarin and Cantonese.

Adia Chan (born 21 January 1971) is an Indonesian -born Hong Kong actress, singer and spokesperson. The daughter of a Chinese father and an Indonesian mother, her family moved to Hong Kong when she was about three years old. Adia entered show business in 1985 at the age of 14, and was the winner of a " Sally Yeh " impersonation contest hosted by TVB's television network on the show " Enjoy Yourself Tonight ". As an actress, she has worked in a number of films in both Hong Kong and Singapore and in several television series in mainland China . She also worked as a television host alongside Jacky Cheung on a music show called " Snow.Wolf.Lake ", broadcast in Mandarin and Cantonese.

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Orgel-Ballett. The Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C major, BWV 564 is a piece written for organ by the German baroque composer Johann Sebastian Bach in 1716 during his stay in Weimar . It is one of the most outstanding works in the instrument's repertoire and one of the author's greatest achievements in the field of organ music. The work is written for three voices and is structured in three main sections: I (0´00´´) THE TOCCATA is a section of very free invention and theme, very improvised and virtuoso, where the pedal participates a lot and makes outstanding solo entries. -. II (5´50) THE ADAGIO is a calm and serene section, where a great Italian influence can be noticed. -. III (10´31´´) THE FUGUE is one of the author's first great fugues in which the virtuosity that the author had in this musical form can be appreciated.

Work choreographed by Flavio Salamanka and Reginaldo Oliveira , today it is offered to us by the dancers of the Baden State Theater: Reginaldo Oliveira, Bruna Andrade, Flavio Salamanka and Larissa Mota with Christian-Markus Raiser on the organ

Jiri Kylián (Prague, 1947) is a Czech choreographer based in the Netherlands . With Hans van Manen he is the main exponent of the Dutch school of ballet, which enjoyed great prestige especially in the 1980s. He studied in Prague and, at the age of 20, won a scholarship to the Royal Ballet School in London . In 1968 he joined the Stuttgart Ballet , working with John Cranko . There he began as a choreographer: his first work, Paradox (1970), was created for the Noverre Society directed by Cranko . In 1974 he premiered Sinfonietta , his best-known work, with music by Leoš Janáček , where he presented an innovative choreography with a varied mix of styles (classical, contemporary and folkloric), of great lyricism and musicality. In 1976 he became artistic director of the Nederlands Dans Theatre . His Symphony of Psalms won the Olivier Award in London in 1978. In 1992 he founded his own company and in 2008 Queen Beatrix awarded him the Medal of Honour for Arts and Sciences .

Jiri Kilian 's Symphony in D is a musical composition made by adding and choreographing Haydn 's Symphony No. 101 : Movements I (0'43''), II (7'24'') and III (15'06'') plus Haydn 's Symphony No. 73 : Movement IV (21'03''). The version we present is the one offered by the Dutch contemporary dance company Nederlands dans Theater

Jiri Kylián (Prague, 1947) is a Czech choreographer based in the Netherlands . With Hans van Manen he is the main exponent of the Dutch school of ballet, which enjoyed great prestige especially in the 1980s. He studied in Prague and, at the age of 20, won a scholarship to the Royal Ballet School in London . In 1968 he joined the Stuttgart Ballet , working with John Cranko . There he began as a choreographer: his first work, Paradox (1970), was created for the Noverre Society directed by Cranko . In 1974 he premiered Sinfonietta , his best-known work, with music by Leoš Janáček , where he presented an innovative choreography with a varied mix of styles (classical, contemporary and folkloric), of great lyricism and musicality. In 1976 he became artistic director of the Nederlands Dans Theatre . His Symphony of Psalms won the Olivier Award in London in 1978. In 1992 he founded his own company and in 2008 Queen Beatrix awarded him the Medal of Honour for Arts and Sciences .

Jiri Kilian 's Symphony in D is a musical composition made by adding and choreographing Haydn 's Symphony No. 101 : Movements I (0'43''), II (7'24'') and III (15'06'') plus Haydn 's Symphony No. 73 : Movement IV (21'03''). The version we present is the one offered by the Dutch contemporary dance company Nederlands dans Theater

The Snake and the Black Girl. The Snake Dance (´´05´´) is a folk dance of pre-Hispanic origin, which is currently performed in several K'iche' villages during patron saint festivals. The first reference to this dance was made by Friar Francisco Ximénez , in 1722. Later, it was studied, in the first half of the 20th century, by ethnographers Samuel K. Lothrop and Franz Termer .

El son de la negra (3'16'') is a traditional composition from western Mexico , its origin being located in what is today the city of Tepic , capital of the state of Nayarit , in Mexico . It is a son famous for its different versions, particularly the mariachi one. It achieved international popularity when the Jalisco composer Blas Galindo , in 1940, compiled it in his work for chamber orchestra Sones de mariachi ; so that it has become representative of Mexican folklore at an international level. In fact, it is traditional for a mariachi to enter any event by walking and performing this composition.

Basque dances (in Basque, Euskal Dantzak ) are a very important part of Basque culture and are fundamental to its folklore. Each historical territory, or province, has its own and each town also has its own that is usually danced at its main festivals. Among the most notable dances we can mention the pilgrimage or square dances , based on the dances that were celebrated at pilgrimages and whose participation was popular and spontaneous. The sword dances that have an obvious parallelism with the European ones of the same type. The end-of-festival dances that are performed to mark the end of a festival, the end of a cycle and the beginning of another. Among the traditional dances we must mention, among many others: Agurra, Fandangoa, Banakoa, Zortzikoa and Arin Arina .

Today the Ibar Aide Group offers us Gorretsi Dantza

Basque dances (in Basque, Euskal Dantzak ) are a very important part of Basque culture and are fundamental to its folklore. Each historical territory, or province, has its own and each town also has its own that is usually danced at its main festivals. Among the most notable dances we can mention the pilgrimage or square dances , based on the dances that were celebrated at pilgrimages and whose participation was popular and spontaneous. The sword dances that have an obvious parallelism with the European ones of the same type. The end-of-festival dances that are performed to mark the end of a festival, the end of a cycle and the beginning of another. Among the traditional dances we must mention, among many others: Agurra, Fandangoa, Banakoa, Zortzikoa and Arin Arina .

Today the Ibar Aide Group offers us Gorretsi Dantza

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The texts of Videomusicalis are written in Basque, Spanish and English.