genocidio palestina
From this humble page we want to denounce
the genocidal terrorism that the State of Israel has
been exercising against the Palestinian People.
genocidio palestina
From this humble page we want to denounce
the genocidal terrorism that the State of Israel has
been exercising against the Palestinian People.

June 28 LGBTI Pride Day.

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International LGBT Pride Day and other variants is an unofficial day that is celebrated worldwide every June 28 in commemoration of the Stonewall riots of 1969, to reaffirm the feeling of pride about traditionally marginalized sexual and gender identities and orientations and repressed as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender or those who have doubts about their sexuality and/or gender identity . From a linguistic point of view, the term "pride" designates "self-love or the esteem that each person has of himself as deserving of respect or consideration" . This definition conveys the idea of ​​an intrinsic dignity that every human being possesses and that should not be affected by their behavior or their sexual orientation.

Queer identity is a term taken from English that is defined as "strange" or "unusual". Gender Queer is a general term for people whose gender identity does not include or transcend the male/female dichotomy. The term is still considered offensive or derogatory in some more conservative communities; while for others, it is a term that describes a sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression that does not conform to society. In this context, some people who identify as queer tend to stand apart from the discourse and lifestyle that typify currents in LGBT communities.

Love partakes of the soul itself is a song by Canadian composer Shane Raman inspired by a passage in Victor Hugo 's novel Les Miserables , in which he describes love as incorruptible, indivisible, imperishable, immortal , infinite and unlimited. Love partakes of the soul itself; it is of the same nature. Like her, it is a divine, incorruptible, indivisible, imperishable spark, it is the point of fire that is within us, which is immortal and infinite, which nothing can limit and nothing can extinguish. The interpretation of this song is carried out by the Canadian choir Cor Flammae , made up of queer singers, among whose priority objectives is, precisely, to give visibility to queer identities .

Georg Friedrich Handel ​( 1685-1759) born in Halle , Germany, is one of the leading figures in the History of Music and, of course, of the Baroque . He wrote numerous operas, cantatas and oratorios, among which we must highlight his masterpiece, the Oratorio El Mesías . At the age of 18 he moved to Hamburg where he joined the Opera Orchestra . After three years he traveled to Florence , and then to Rome . In 1710 he returned to Germany and from there to London where he achieved great success, which encouraged him to settle under the tutelage of different patrons. Although he was always very jealous of his private life, there are innumerable indications that make us assume his homosexual inclination. In London he acquired his British nationality and was appointed manager of the Opera House until his death in 1759.

Ombra mai fu is the opening aria of Handel 's opera Xerxes premiered in 1738. The opera was a commercial failure, with only five performances in London after its premiere. In the 19th century , however, this aria was rediscovered and has become one of Handel 's best-known pieces. Originally composed to be sung by a castrato (in modern performances of Xerxes it is sung by a contratenor, contralto , or mezzo-soprano ). In the version that we offer today, the aria is sung by the Italian artist Cecilia Bartoli , a light mezzo-soprano with refined technique, who has performed in the main halls of the world with the most renowned conductors.

Georg Friedrich Handel ​( 1685-1759) born in Halle , Germany, is one of the leading figures in the History of Music and, of course, of the Baroque . He wrote numerous operas, cantatas and oratorios, among which we must highlight his masterpiece, the Oratorio El Mesías . At the age of 18 he moved to Hamburg where he joined the Opera Orchestra . After three years he traveled to Florence , and then to Rome . In 1710 he returned to Germany and from there to London where he achieved great success, which encouraged him to settle under the tutelage of different patrons. Although he was always very jealous of his private life, there are innumerable indications that make us assume his homosexual inclination. In London he acquired his British nationality and was appointed manager of the Opera House until his death in 1759.

Ombra mai fu is the opening aria of Handel 's opera Xerxes premiered in 1738. The opera was a commercial failure, with only five performances in London after its premiere. In the 19th century , however, this aria was rediscovered and has become one of Handel 's best-known pieces. Originally composed to be sung by a castrato (in modern performances of Xerxes it is sung by a contratenor, contralto , or mezzo-soprano ). In the version that we offer today, the aria is sung by the Italian artist Cecilia Bartoli , a light mezzo-soprano with refined technique, who has performed in the main halls of the world with the most renowned conductors.

Piotr Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) was a Russian composer who graduated from the Saint Petersburg Conservatory and wrote works of different genres, although he achieved his greatest success with his ballets. In 1859 he obtained a position as a civil servant in the Ministry of Justice , which he would abandon at the age of three to be able to dedicate himself solely to music. His personal life was plagued by continuous crises since the death of his mother and his repressed homosexuality, which forced him into a marriage that only lasted a few months. He wrote more than 150 compositions, including piano works, quartets, suites, symphonies, concertos, chorales, cantatas, operas, and ballets. He died at the age of 53 and is considered one of the greatest composers in history.

String Quartet No. 1, Op. 11 was the first of three complete string quartets to be published during Tchaikovsky 's lifetime. Composed in February 1871, it was given its premiere in Moscow from March 16 to 28, 1871, by four members of the Russian Musical Society . The quartet has four movements, of which today we offer the Second movement - ANDANTE CANTABILE, based on a popular song that the composer heard at his sister Kamenka 's house. When the quartet performed at a Leo Tolstoy tribute concert, the author is said to have burst into tears over this move.

Today it is offered to us by the Kontras Quartet

Leonard Bernstein (1918 - 1990) was an American composer, pianist, and conductor. He was the first conductor born in the USA to achieve worldwide fame, famous for having conducted the New York Philharmonic Orchestra , for his Youth Concerts on television between 1958 and 1972, and for his many compositions, including West Side Story (1957). ) and Candide . He was also an essential figure in the modern revival of the music of Gustav Mahler , the composer he was most passionately interested in. As a composer he wrote music for piano, chamber music, choral music, religious music, numerous stage works for ballet, film, opera, and musicals, as well as abundant orchestral work.

Candide is a comic operetta composed by Leonard Bernstein in 1956, based on Voltaire 's novel of the same name. The operetta was performed for the first time in 1956 with a libretto by Lillian Hellman . Numerous versions of the text have been made, but since 1974 it has only been represented with the libretto by Hugh Wheeler , which is more faithful to Voltaire 's novel.

Today we offer his Overture under the expert baton of Xian Zhang (1973) a Chinese-American conductor, and the first woman to be Principal Conductor of the BBC Symphony Orchestra in Wales .​

Leonard Bernstein (1918 - 1990) was an American composer, pianist, and conductor. He was the first conductor born in the USA to achieve worldwide fame, famous for having conducted the New York Philharmonic Orchestra , for his Youth Concerts on television between 1958 and 1972, and for his many compositions, including West Side Story (1957). ) and Candide . He was also an essential figure in the modern revival of the music of Gustav Mahler , the composer he was most passionately interested in. As a composer he wrote music for piano, chamber music, choral music, religious music, numerous stage works for ballet, film, opera, and musicals, as well as abundant orchestral work.

Candide is a comic operetta composed by Leonard Bernstein in 1956, based on Voltaire 's novel of the same name. The operetta was performed for the first time in 1956 with a libretto by Lillian Hellman . Numerous versions of the text have been made, but since 1974 it has only been represented with the libretto by Hugh Wheeler , which is more faithful to Voltaire 's novel.

Today we offer his Overture under the expert baton of Xian Zhang (1973) a Chinese-American conductor, and the first woman to be Principal Conductor of the BBC Symphony Orchestra in Wales .​

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Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687) was a French composer of Italian origin (he was born in Florence ) and naturalized French at age 21 (his real name was Giovanni Battista Lulli ). He soon stood out as a violinist and dancer and at the age of twenty he became part of Louis XIV 's service as musical director of the royal family; from then on, its importance in the development of classical ballet has been paramount. In 1672 he obtained the position of director of the Academie Royale de Musique, renewing the essence of the opera with greater solemnity in its staging, a determined emphasis on the clarity of the text and careful preparation of the ballets and choruses. His musical production is fundamentally based on three pillars: opera, ballets and religious music.

Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme ( The Bourgeois Gentleman ) is a comedy-ballet by Molière in five acts with music by Jean-Baptiste Lully ; it was premiered by Molière 's company on October 14, 1670 at the court of Louis XIV at the Château de Chambord .

Today we offer a suite made up of its most relevant dances, performed by the Radio Frankfurt Symphony under the baton of the master harpsichordist and conductor specializing in baroque music, Emmanuelle Haïm , who has had relevant performances in front of the Berlin Philharmonic, the Chicago Opera or the BBC Proms , among other institutions.

Frédéric Chopin (1810-1849) was a virtuoso Polish pianist and composer; as a pianist, he is considered one of the most important in history and as a composer, one of the benchmarks of Romanticism . He was born into a vocationally musical family; his mother played the piano and his father the violin and flute; His first teacher was a sister of his with whom he liked to play pieces with four hands. At the age of eight he gave his first public concert in the palace of the Radziwill family in Warsaw . Chopin 's work focuses exclusively on the piano, solo or concertante, with which he embarked on a solo career of technical perfection, expressive splendor and deepening in the rubato until he became the musical benchmark for that instrument.

Frédéric Chopin 's Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 2 in F minor, Op. 21 is one of two piano concertos by the Polish composer. Despite being published second, it actually predates Concerto No. 1 . It was finished at the end of the winter of 1829, when the composer was 19 years old, and it is dedicated to Countess Delfina Potocka . It was premiered by the composer himself at the piano on March 17, 1830 in Warsaw . It is, on the whole, more dramatic in accent than the Concerto in E minor . All in all, it is a wonderful melodic inspiration, rich in romantic expressiveness and rhythmic sense.

structure . The concert is structured in three movements: I (0´7´´) MAESTOSO. Written in sonata form with a broad orchestral introduction setting out the two main themes. The first of them is of soft beauty, with a broad and lyrical phrasing; the second is intimate, developed by the soloist. When, after a fortissimo , the piano breaks in brilliantly, it will no longer leave its privileged position.-. II (15´18´´) LARGHETTO. Intimate and loving, he was inspired by a youthful love of Chopin's : the soprano Konstancja Gładkowska . It has a tripartite structure, with the extreme sections full of amorous effluvia, while the central one has a contrasting dramatic sense .-. III (24´07´´) ALLEGRO VIVACE. Written in the form of a rondo , this final tense consists of two main themes: the first is endowed with simplicity and charm, while the second is practically a mazurka with a clear Polish flavor. The piano plays with both themes, in a casual and very bright atmosphere accompanied by an orchestra in which the strings dominate. The last section is written a moto perpetuo .

Yuja Wang (1987), our soloist today, is a Chinese classical pianist, who began studying piano at the age of six. She entered the Beijing Central Conservatory of Music a year later. At the age of 21 she was already internationally recognized and gave recitals all over the world performing with the most relevant orchestras in the world. In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, he said: "For me, playing music is transporting me to another way of life, another way of being. An actress does that."

Frédéric Chopin (1810-1849) was a virtuoso Polish pianist and composer; as a pianist, he is considered one of the most important in history and as a composer, one of the benchmarks of Romanticism . He was born into a vocationally musical family; his mother played the piano and his father the violin and flute; His first teacher was a sister of his with whom he liked to play pieces with four hands. At the age of eight he gave his first public concert in the palace of the Radziwill family in Warsaw . Chopin 's work focuses exclusively on the piano, solo or concertante, with which he embarked on a solo career of technical perfection, expressive splendor and deepening in the rubato until he became the musical benchmark for that instrument.

Frédéric Chopin 's Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 2 in F minor, Op. 21 is one of two piano concertos by the Polish composer. Despite being published second, it actually predates Concerto No. 1 . It was finished at the end of the winter of 1829, when the composer was 19 years old, and it is dedicated to Countess Delfina Potocka . It was premiered by the composer himself at the piano on March 17, 1830 in Warsaw . It is, on the whole, more dramatic in accent than the Concerto in E minor . All in all, it is a wonderful melodic inspiration, rich in romantic expressiveness and rhythmic sense.

structure . The concert is structured in three movements: I (0´7´´) MAESTOSO. Written in sonata form with a broad orchestral introduction setting out the two main themes. The first of them is of soft beauty, with a broad and lyrical phrasing; the second is intimate, developed by the soloist. When, after a fortissimo , the piano breaks in brilliantly, it will no longer leave its privileged position.-. II (15´18´´) LARGHETTO. Intimate and loving, he was inspired by a youthful love of Chopin's : the soprano Konstancja Gładkowska . It has a tripartite structure, with the extreme sections full of amorous effluvia, while the central one has a contrasting dramatic sense .-. III (24´07´´) ALLEGRO VIVACE. Written in the form of a rondo , this final tense consists of two main themes: the first is endowed with simplicity and charm, while the second is practically a mazurka with a clear Polish flavor. The piano plays with both themes, in a casual and very bright atmosphere accompanied by an orchestra in which the strings dominate. The last section is written a moto perpetuo .

Yuja Wang (1987), our soloist today, is a Chinese classical pianist, who began studying piano at the age of six. She entered the Beijing Central Conservatory of Music a year later. At the age of 21 she was already internationally recognized and gave recitals all over the world performing with the most relevant orchestras in the world. In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, he said: "For me, playing music is transporting me to another way of life, another way of being. An actress does that."

Benjamin Britten (1913-1976) was a British pianist, conductor and composer who from a very young age showed great gifts for music and at the age of 14 began receiving private lessons with Frank Bridge ; later with Ralph Vaughan Williams . At the beginning of the Second World War he moved to the USA where he wrote various orchestral and lyrical works; At the end of the war he returned to London by boat where he wrote several choral works. In 1945 he premiered his opera Peter Grimes with a memorable success; although his greatest success will come with his War Requiem , a work that was intended to be a rejection of all kinds of war conflicts. Criticized for his active pacifism and homosexuality, he is considered one of the most iconic English composers of the 20th century .

War Requiem (War Requiem), Op. 66 is a requiem composed by Benjamin Britten for the rededication of Coventry Cathedral on May 30, 1962, after it was destroyed during World War II . The requiem was composed for soprano, tenor, and baritone soloists, choir, and orchestra. The soprano soloist and the choir sing the traditional text of the requiem in Latin; the tenor and baritone sing poems by Wilfred Owen placed in different parts of the work. The overall effect is bleak, and Britten presents the war as bleak and futile.

On this occasion soloists, vocal and orchestral ensemble are conducted by the prominent British maestro John Eliot Gardiner (1943) known, above all, for his historicist performances of Baroque and Classical music on period instruments.

Mohammed Fairouz (1985) is one of the most frequently performed American composers of his generation. Fairouz studied at the New England Conservatory of Music and the Curtis Institute of Music . He first set Oscar Wilde 's poem " The True Knowledge " to music at the age of 7 and has written hundreds of songs and over a dozen song cycles. In Poets & Writers magazine, he described himself as obsessed with text and thus writes song cycles with texts related to the Middle East . He also writes an oratorio entitled Zabur , with a libretto by Najla Said and the text in both Arabic and English, premiered in April 2015. Despite his youth, he has so far written chamber music, four symphonies, several concertos and three operas.

The Queer Urban Orchestra (QUO) is a musical institution founded in July 2009 and dedicated to the promotion of fine arts in the New York City metropolitan area, open to all adult musicians, regardless of your age, race, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity. QUO strives to entertain and educate its members and the public alike through classical and contemporary music performances, promoting equality, understanding, acceptance and respect. The Queer Urban Orchestra , today conducted by maestro Ian Shafer , offers us Mohammed Fairouz 's 2nd Symphony .

Mohammed Fairouz (1985) is one of the most frequently performed American composers of his generation. Fairouz studied at the New England Conservatory of Music and the Curtis Institute of Music . He first set Oscar Wilde 's poem " The True Knowledge " to music at the age of 7 and has written hundreds of songs and over a dozen song cycles. In Poets & Writers magazine, he described himself as obsessed with text and thus writes song cycles with texts related to the Middle East . He also writes an oratorio entitled Zabur , with a libretto by Najla Said and the text in both Arabic and English, premiered in April 2015. Despite his youth, he has so far written chamber music, four symphonies, several concertos and three operas.

The Queer Urban Orchestra (QUO) is a musical institution founded in July 2009 and dedicated to the promotion of fine arts in the New York City metropolitan area, open to all adult musicians, regardless of your age, race, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity. QUO strives to entertain and educate its members and the public alike through classical and contemporary music performances, promoting equality, understanding, acceptance and respect. The Queer Urban Orchestra , today conducted by maestro Ian Shafer , offers us Mohammed Fairouz 's 2nd Symphony .

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Billie Holiday (1915-1959) was an American singer born in Philadelphia and considered one of the three most important women in the history of jazz along with Sarah Vaughan and Ella Fitzgerald . His song Strange Fruit was considered the best song of the 20th century by Time magazine because his mastery of swing and expressive capacity were reflected both in the composition of his arrangements and songs and in their interpretation. His life from the beginning was very tumultuous with a 13-year-old mother, a 15-year-old father who abandoned him as a baby, a rape that he suffered at the age of ten and openly manifested bisexuality. His addiction to drugs progressively undermined his physical and mental state until he died at the age of 44.

Elton John (1947) is a British singer, pianist, composer and musician. With a career spanning more than 50 years, he has sold more than 300 million copies worldwide, being one of the most successful artists in history and the only to keep at least one song on the Billboard Hot 100 for 30 consecutive years, from 1970 to 2000. His song Candle in the Wind 1997 , rewritten on the occasion of the death of Diana of Wales sold more than 33 million copies being the second best-selling single in history. He has won five Grammy Awards, five Brit Awards, two Golden Globes, a Tony Award, a Disney Legends Award, two Oscars , and the Kennedy Award. In 1996, he was Knighted after being made a Commander of the Order of the British Empire and the appellation Sir was added to his name.

Elton John (1947) is a British singer, pianist, composer and musician. With a career spanning more than 50 years, he has sold more than 300 million copies worldwide, being one of the most successful artists in history and the only to keep at least one song on the Billboard Hot 100 for 30 consecutive years, from 1970 to 2000. His song Candle in the Wind 1997 , rewritten on the occasion of the death of Diana of Wales sold more than 33 million copies being the second best-selling single in history. He has won five Grammy Awards, five Brit Awards, two Golden Globes, a Tony Award, a Disney Legends Award, two Oscars , and the Kennedy Award. In 1996, he was Knighted after being made a Commander of the Order of the British Empire and the appellation Sir was added to his name.

Chavela Vargas (1919 - 2012) was born in Costa Rica , in San Joaquín (Heredia province) and had a difficult childhood: her parents divorced and disowned her, leaving her in the care of some uncles. When he was 17 years old, he moved to Mexico and later adopted his nationality; he ventured into the ranchera song with a peculiar style; with just a guitar and with his voice, emulating the way of singing of a drunk man. At the age of 81, in an interview for Colombian television in the year 2000, she stated that she was a lesbian. During 2009, on the occasion of her 90th anniversary, the Government of Mexico City named her a Distinguished Citizen . Chavela Vargas is considered a main and peculiar figure of ranchera music and of all Latin American popular music.

Rob Halford (1951) is a British heavy metal musician best known for being the lead vocalist for the British heavy metal band Judas Priest . Considered one of the best and most influential singers in the history of metal, he is characterized by his powerful operatic voice and his huge high tones. Halford is ranked #2 on the list of the 100 Greatest Metal Vocalists of All Time, according to the American magazine Hit Parader . In 1973 some members of the band Judas Priest , which had lost its vocalist, were surprised to hear Rob Halford by chance, for which he was hired immediately. Thus, Rob Halford began a successful career with one of the most recognized heavy metal bands. In 1998 he publicly acknowledged his homosexuality.

Rob Halford (1951) is a British heavy metal musician best known for being the lead vocalist for the British heavy metal band Judas Priest . Considered one of the best and most influential singers in the history of metal, he is characterized by his powerful operatic voice and his huge high tones. Halford is ranked #2 on the list of the 100 Greatest Metal Vocalists of All Time, according to the American magazine Hit Parader . In 1973 some members of the band Judas Priest , which had lost its vocalist, were surprised to hear Rob Halford by chance, for which he was hired immediately. Thus, Rob Halford began a successful career with one of the most recognized heavy metal bands. In 1998 he publicly acknowledged his homosexuality.

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Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713) was an Italian violinist and composer of the Baroque period. Born in Fusignano (province of Ravenna) since childhood he studied violin in his hometown. In 1666 he traveled to Bologna , where he studied with Giovanni Benvenuti and Leonardo Brugnoli . Five years later he settled in Rome , where he would achieve extraordinary fame as a violinist, while perfecting his compositional technique. By 1700, he was already the first violinist and concert director of the Chancellery Palace and in 1706 he entered the Academy of Arcadia . Today he is considered one of the greatest precursors of the pre-classical sonata and the quintessential representative of the concerto grosso . His music exerted a great influence on German composers, especially Bach and Händel .

Camille Saint–Saens (1835-1921) was a French pianist, organist, composer and soldier, committed to the French musical renewal, as well as teaching; Students such as Fauré and Messager passed through its classrooms. He was a precocious child who at the age of 11 made his first public appearance with works by Handel , Mozart and Beethoven . At the age of thirteen he enrolled in organ and composition at the Paris Conservatoire and at eighteen, he composed his first symphony. He was a multifaceted intellectual: musician, writer, mathematician, philosopher, archaeologist, geologist, botanist... Just as multifaceted as his numerous musical works (more than 400) in which he addressed all kinds of genres, among which it is necessary to highlight the novelty that in That moment meant film music .

Camille Saint–Saens (1835-1921) was a French pianist, organist, composer and soldier, committed to the French musical renewal, as well as teaching; Students such as Fauré and Messager passed through its classrooms. He was a precocious child who at the age of 11 made his first public appearance with works by Handel , Mozart and Beethoven . At the age of thirteen he enrolled in organ and composition at the Paris Conservatoire and at eighteen, he composed his first symphony. He was a multifaceted intellectual: musician, writer, mathematician, philosopher, archaeologist, geologist, botanist... Just as multifaceted as his numerous musical works (more than 400) in which he addressed all kinds of genres, among which it is necessary to highlight the novelty that in That moment meant film music .

Francis Poulenc (1899 - 1963) was a French composer and member of Les Six , consisting of Milhaud, Auric, Durey, Honegger, Tailleferre (the only woman in the group) and Poulenc himself. He embraced the techniques of the Dada movement (anti-artistic, anti-literary and anti-poetic that questions the existence of art, literature and poetry). The critic Claude Rostand describes Poulenc as "half heretic, half monk", a label that was attached to his name for the rest of his career, while Poulenc says: "my work is the juxtaposition of the profane with the sacred". Some critics consider him the first openly gay composer in history. He composed music in all the major genres, including chamber music, oratorio, opera, ballet music, and orchestral music.

Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971) was a Russian pianist, conductor, and composer; for many critics, the most important of the 20th century . In his long life he composed a large number of works addressing various styles such as primitivism , neoclassicism , and serialism . Eventually, Stravinsk i's musical future was directed by Sergei Diaghilev , director of the Ballets Russes in Paris , who hired Stravinsky to write a ballet for his company, which would be The Firebird ; Stravinsky left Russia for the first time in 1910, to attend its premiere in Paris by the Ballets Russes . During his stay in that city, he composed two more works for the Ballets Russes : Petrushka (1911) and The Rite of Spring (1913).

Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971) was a Russian pianist, conductor, and composer; for many critics, the most important of the 20th century . In his long life he composed a large number of works addressing various styles such as primitivism , neoclassicism , and serialism . Eventually, Stravinsk i's musical future was directed by Sergei Diaghilev , director of the Ballets Russes in Paris , who hired Stravinsky to write a ballet for his company, which would be The Firebird ; Stravinsky left Russia for the first time in 1910, to attend its premiere in Paris by the Ballets Russes . During his stay in that city, he composed two more works for the Ballets Russes : Petrushka (1911) and The Rite of Spring (1913).

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