genocidio palestina
From this humble page we want to denounce
the genocidal terrorism that the State of Israel has
been exercising against the Palestinian People.
genocidio palestina
From this humble page we want to denounce
the genocidal terrorism that the State of Israel has
been exercising against the Palestinian People.

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Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) was an Italian priest, violinist and composer known as the red priest (“il prete rosso”). He was born in Venice and as a child he learned to play the violin with his father; At the age of 15 he entered the Seminary and once ordained a priest, he could barely attend to his religious obligations due to his health problems; So he was appointed violin teacher in an orphanage where he taught theory and instrument classes. At the age of 40 he was appointed Chapel Master in Mantua where he wrote his famous Four Seasons . From there he moved to Milan , then to Rome ; later, again to Venice and finally, to Vienna where he would die. Throughout his life he composed almost 800 works, of which half were concerts, 40 operas, 60 religious works and numerous sonatas.

The Ryom Verzeichnis or Ryom Catalog is a catalog of the works of Antonio Vivaldi (abbreviated as RV ), prepared by the Danish musicologist Peter Ryom , who published it in 1973. The classification was carried out by Ryom based not on the chronology of the works, but on three other criteria: the genre , the instruments for which the work was composed and the tonality .

The vibraphone is a musical instrument of the percussion family; Idiophone​ as it has its own sound (because it uses its body as resonating matter). It is a lamellophone similar to the xylophone , but the blades are made of aluminum, whereas in the xylophone they are made of wood. These sheets are struck with drumsticks; The different sizes and hardness of the drumstick materials allow you to obtain different timbres, intensities, types of attack and articulations in the execution. It is an instrument with a specific sound because it allows you to obtain musical notes at a specific height; Even harmonic intervals can be played if several sheets are struck simultaneously using three, four, five, or six drumsticks.

The current standard instrument has three chromatic octaves, making them four octaves. The blades are mounted like a piano keyboard; Under each sheet there is a resonator consisting of a closed resonant tube of aluminum, fiber or bronze that is tuned according to the sound of the corresponding sheet. In addition to this mechanism, the vibraphone has a pedal system with effects similar to that of a piano pedal.

Today we offer the Concerto in C major RV 443 originally written for recorder and strings, although arranged on this occasion for vibraphone and strings with Evelyn Glennie as soloist and Jean Thorel as conductor.

Richard Wagner (1813-1883) was a German composer, conductor, poet, essayist, playwright and musical theorist of Romanticism . His operas stand out mainly (qualified as "musical dramas" by the composer himself) in which, unlike other composers, he also took on the libretto and the scenery. In the beginning, his works followed the romantic tradition; but later he transformed musical thought with the idea of the "total work of art" (Gesamtkunstwerk). He had his own opera house built, the Festspielhaus in Bayreuth , to stage his works the way he imagined them. Some of his writings have been the subject of debate and condemnation for their anti-Semitic content, such as his essay Judaism in Music.

The Ride of the Valkyries (Walkürenritt or Ritt der Walküren) is the popular term for the beginning of the third act of The Valkyrie , the second opera in the Ring of the Nibelung tetralogy, composed by Richard Wagner . In the theatrical performance, the Cavalcade , which lasts eight minutes, begins in the prelude to the act, successively adding instruments to the accompaniment until the curtain rises and the peak of a mountain is seen where four of the eight sister Valkyries have gathered. Brunnhilde to prepare the transportation of the fallen heroes to Valhalla . As the other four join in, the orchestra plays the familiar melody, while above it, the Valkyries greet each other and sing their war cry.

Richard Wagner (1813-1883) was a German composer, conductor, poet, essayist, playwright and musical theorist of Romanticism . His operas stand out mainly (qualified as "musical dramas" by the composer himself) in which, unlike other composers, he also took on the libretto and the scenery. In the beginning, his works followed the romantic tradition; but later he transformed musical thought with the idea of the "total work of art" (Gesamtkunstwerk). He had his own opera house built, the Festspielhaus in Bayreuth , to stage his works the way he imagined them. Some of his writings have been the subject of debate and condemnation for their anti-Semitic content, such as his essay Judaism in Music.

The Ride of the Valkyries (Walkürenritt or Ritt der Walküren) is the popular term for the beginning of the third act of The Valkyrie , the second opera in the Ring of the Nibelung tetralogy, composed by Richard Wagner . In the theatrical performance, the Cavalcade , which lasts eight minutes, begins in the prelude to the act, successively adding instruments to the accompaniment until the curtain rises and the peak of a mountain is seen where four of the eight sister Valkyries have gathered. Brunnhilde to prepare the transportation of the fallen heroes to Valhalla . As the other four join in, the orchestra plays the familiar melody, while above it, the Valkyries greet each other and sing their war cry.

Lady Gaga (1986) is an American singer, songwriter, producer, dancer, actress, activist and fashion designer. His fame spread from the 2008 release of his album The Fame ; The album had excellent reviews and sales. which encouraged him to carry out several tours with concerts full of success with audiences and collections. In 2011 he released his second album Born This Way which ranked the first place in sales on numerous lists; In this way he released several more albums with similar success that earned eleven Grammy Awards, seven Billboard Music Awards , three Brit Awards, eighteen MTV Video Music Awards, two Golden Globes , and an Oscar .

Canadian Brass is a Canadian brass quintet formed in 1970 in Toronto . The group is known for their frequent use of humor and an irreverent attitude in their live performances. He has performed internationally and recorded over 130 CDs and DVDs . The Ensemble has commissioned, performed and recorded hundreds of transcriptions and original works for brass quintet. Canadian Brass has a library of over 600 compositions and arrangements written specifically for them. The quintet was named "one of the most popular brass ensembles in the world" in 2015 by The Washington Post .

Today they offer us the arrangement of Lady Gaga 's hit song Bad Romance , now converted into Brass Romance

Dmitri Shostakovich (1906-1975) is one of the most recognized composers of the 20th century , who had to adapt to the political status with which he had to live. His music was sometimes denounced as decadent and reactionary and other times praised as representative of the new socialist art by the CPSU . In public, he was always loyal to the system and held important responsibilities in artistic institutions, accepting membership in the CPSU in 1960 and becoming a member of the Supreme Soviet . He wrote fifteen string quartets, another fifteen symphonies, six concertos, several operas, as well as film and ballet music. His music stands out for its relevant contrasts and original rhythmic aspects underpinned by an energetic, sometimes burlesque, character.

The Foxtrot is a soft and progressive dance of American origin characterized by long, continuous movements that flow across the dance floor. It is danced to music usually performed by a big band (usually sung). The dance is similar in appearance to the waltz, although the rhythm is in 4/4 instead of 3/4. Developed in the 1910s, the foxtrot reached its peak in the 1930s, and is still practiced today.

Today we offer the third movement of Shostakovich 's Jazz Suite No. 1 , which is his Foxtrot , performed by the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by the Venezuelan maestro José Luis Gómez.

Dmitri Shostakovich (1906-1975) is one of the most recognized composers of the 20th century , who had to adapt to the political status with which he had to live. His music was sometimes denounced as decadent and reactionary and other times praised as representative of the new socialist art by the CPSU . In public, he was always loyal to the system and held important responsibilities in artistic institutions, accepting membership in the CPSU in 1960 and becoming a member of the Supreme Soviet . He wrote fifteen string quartets, another fifteen symphonies, six concertos, several operas, as well as film and ballet music. His music stands out for its relevant contrasts and original rhythmic aspects underpinned by an energetic, sometimes burlesque, character.

The Foxtrot is a soft and progressive dance of American origin characterized by long, continuous movements that flow across the dance floor. It is danced to music usually performed by a big band (usually sung). The dance is similar in appearance to the waltz, although the rhythm is in 4/4 instead of 3/4. Developed in the 1910s, the foxtrot reached its peak in the 1930s, and is still practiced today.

Today we offer the third movement of Shostakovich 's Jazz Suite No. 1 , which is his Foxtrot , performed by the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by the Venezuelan maestro José Luis Gómez.

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Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672) was a German organist and composer, generally remembered as one of the most important German composers before Johann Sebastian Bach and often considered one of the leading composers of the 17th century , along with Claudio Monteverdi . Schütz was born in Köstritz (Thuringia). After being part of a children's choir at the Museo Mauritianum, he settled in Venice between 1609 and 1613, to study music with Giovanni Gabrieli and later with Claudio Monteverdi . Upon his death he returned to Germany , where he would be organist at the court of Cassel (north). He moved to Dresden in 1615, where he worked as a composer at the court of the Prince-Elector of Saxony and where he would be Kapellmeister from 1617 until his death.

His best-known work is in the field of sacred music, from solo works with instrumental accompaniment to "a cappella" choral music. His most representative works include his three books of Sacred Symphonies , the " Psalms of David ", the " Seven Words of Jesus Christ on the Cross " and his three series of Passions . Schütz 's influence was very important for bringing new musical ideas from Italy , an influence that he maintained on the composers who followed him. The style of the North German organ school derives largely from the work of Schütz , as well as Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck . A century later, his legacy would culminate in the work of JS Bach .

Today the fusion of Dresdner Barockorchester & Kammerchor ensembles conducted by the German maestro Hans-Christoph Rademann offers us a live recital of the Psalms of David de Schütz .

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) is considered one of the three giants of musical composition along with Bach and Beethoven . Child prodigy born in Salzburg (Austria), at the age of six he mastered the keyboard and violin and began to compose. His father, Leopold, showed him off on exhausting tours of different European courts. Prolific composer (more than 600 works written from the time he was five years old until his death) he cultivated all types of musical genres: piano works, chamber music, symphonies, concert works, choral works, operas... each and every one of them, masterpieces of its gender. His operas The Magic Flute, Don Giovanni, Cosí fan Tutte, and The Marriage of Figaro are among the 10 most performed operas in the world. He died in Vienna at the age of 35.

The catalog of Mozart's works or Köchel Catalog ( Köchel Verzeichnis, in German) was created by Ludwig von Köchel in 1862 and lists the musical works composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart . Each of Mozart 's works is designated by a number preceded by the abbreviation K. or KV ; number that designates the chronological order of its creation and that is actually valid, erroneously attributed to Mozart , and omits other authentic ones that had not yet been discovered. for most of the works although some works by other authors appear

Symphony No. 41 in C major, K. 551, Jupiter , is the last symphony that Mozart composed. It seems that it was the music entrepreneur Johann Peter Salomon who added the epithet “Jupiter” to the symphony, implying that it had identical characteristics to that of the supreme and triumphant god. It consists of the four movements common in those times: I (0´30´´) ALLEGRO VIVACE .-. II (13´36´´) ANDANTE CANTÁBILE .-. III (26´56´´) MINUETTO: ALLEGRETTO .-. IV (31´54´´) MOLTO ALLEGRO.

Today it is offered to us by the Galician Symphony conducted by the French maestro Lorin Maazel (1960-2014).

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) is considered one of the three giants of musical composition along with Bach and Beethoven . Child prodigy born in Salzburg (Austria), at the age of six he mastered the keyboard and violin and began to compose. His father, Leopold, showed him off on exhausting tours of different European courts. Prolific composer (more than 600 works written from the time he was five years old until his death) he cultivated all types of musical genres: piano works, chamber music, symphonies, concert works, choral works, operas... each and every one of them, masterpieces of its gender. His operas The Magic Flute, Don Giovanni, Cosí fan Tutte, and The Marriage of Figaro are among the 10 most performed operas in the world. He died in Vienna at the age of 35.

The catalog of Mozart's works or Köchel Catalog ( Köchel Verzeichnis, in German) was created by Ludwig von Köchel in 1862 and lists the musical works composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart . Each of Mozart 's works is designated by a number preceded by the abbreviation K. or KV ; number that designates the chronological order of its creation and that is actually valid, erroneously attributed to Mozart , and omits other authentic ones that had not yet been discovered. for most of the works although some works by other authors appear

Symphony No. 41 in C major, K. 551, Jupiter , is the last symphony that Mozart composed. It seems that it was the music entrepreneur Johann Peter Salomon who added the epithet “Jupiter” to the symphony, implying that it had identical characteristics to that of the supreme and triumphant god. It consists of the four movements common in those times: I (0´30´´) ALLEGRO VIVACE .-. II (13´36´´) ANDANTE CANTÁBILE .-. III (26´56´´) MINUETTO: ALLEGRETTO .-. IV (31´54´´) MOLTO ALLEGRO.

Today it is offered to us by the Galician Symphony conducted by the French maestro Lorin Maazel (1960-2014).

Mauro Giuliani (1781-1829) was an Italian composer and guitarist, son of Michele Giuliano and Antonia Tota ; he had a brother, Nicola , an opera composer and singing teacher in Saint Petersburg . Mauro began studying counterpoint and cello, although the six-string guitar It became his main instrument at an early age. He began to compose at a very young age, highlighting the Mass that he wrote when he was only 16. In 1806 Giuliani settled in Vienna and soon became famous as a guitarist and composer. In April 1808 he debuted with. His Concerto for Guitar and Orchestra Op. 30 was a great success. From this moment on he became a reference for classical guitar in Vienna , teaching, giving concerts and composing more than 200 works for guitar. He died in 1829 at the age of 47.

Catalog of Giuliani's works . His works are classified by their Opus number ( from the Latin opus 'work'; op. abbreviation) which is a term used in music to catalog the works of most composers since the 17th century .

Tatyana Ryzhkova was born in 1986 in Belarus , and is one of the most promising classical music guitarists in the world today. On YouTube he has already made a place for himself in the header of classical guitarists. Behind him there are more than 500 concerts around the globe and his number of fans is constantly increasing, rewarding them with an intense staging, a mix of passion, virtuosity and peculiar entertainment. Along with the classical repertoire, Tatyana has developed as a singer-songwriter: her own melody, lyrics and voice converge wonderfully in a gift for the senses.

Today he offers us the Sonata C-Dur , op.15 by Mauro Giuliani.

Michael Daugherty (1954) is an American composer, pianist and teacher. Influenced by popular culture, Romanticism and Postmodernism, Daugherty is one of the most colorful and widely performed composers of concert music of his generation. Daugherty is currently Professor of Composition at the School of Music, Theater and Dance at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Since 2003, his music has been published by Boosey & Hawkes and before that by Peermusic Classical .

Raise the Roof is a one-movement concerto for timpani and orchestra by Daugherty . The work was commissioned by the Detroit Symphony Orchestra for the opening of the Max M. Fisher Music Center . It premiered in Detroit on October 16, 2003, with conductor Neeme Järvi leading the Detroit Symphony Orchestra and timpanist Brian Jones . Daugherty later arranged the piece for Brass Band in 2007; This arrangement was commissioned by the University of Michigan Symphony Band and premiered under the direction of Michael Haithcock at the National Conference of the National College Band Directors Association on March 30, 2007. Raise the Roof is one of the pieces Daugherty 's most programmed songs and since its publication it has been frequently performed as a concert opening.

Today it is offered to us, in a Music Band version, by the timpanist Wu Peijing accompanied by the Taipei Symphonic Winds, both conducted by maestro Xu Shuangliang.

Michael Daugherty (1954) is an American composer, pianist and teacher. Influenced by popular culture, Romanticism and Postmodernism, Daugherty is one of the most colorful and widely performed composers of concert music of his generation. Daugherty is currently Professor of Composition at the School of Music, Theater and Dance at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Since 2003, his music has been published by Boosey & Hawkes and before that by Peermusic Classical .

Raise the Roof is a one-movement concerto for timpani and orchestra by Daugherty . The work was commissioned by the Detroit Symphony Orchestra for the opening of the Max M. Fisher Music Center . It premiered in Detroit on October 16, 2003, with conductor Neeme Järvi leading the Detroit Symphony Orchestra and timpanist Brian Jones . Daugherty later arranged the piece for Brass Band in 2007; This arrangement was commissioned by the University of Michigan Symphony Band and premiered under the direction of Michael Haithcock at the National Conference of the National College Band Directors Association on March 30, 2007. Raise the Roof is one of the pieces Daugherty 's most programmed songs and since its publication it has been frequently performed as a concert opening.

Today it is offered to us, in a Music Band version, by the timpanist Wu Peijing accompanied by the Taipei Symphonic Winds, both conducted by maestro Xu Shuangliang.

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Stan Getz (1927-1991) was an American jazz tenor sax player, considered one of the most important in the history of jazz . At fifteen he made his professional debut with Dick Rogers ' orchestra and until 1946 he played successively in nine big bands, such as Benny Goodman 's, with which he recorded his first solos. At nineteen he traveled to Los Angeles and in December 1948 he recorded his historic album Early Autumn ; Overnight, his name became much more widely known and he earned the nickname The Sound due to his warm, lyrical tone. In the 1960s Getz became very fond of Brazilian bossa nova music, collaborating with the composer Antonio Carlos Jobim , the guitarist João Gilberto and his wife, the singer Astrud Gilberto , and winning several Grammys.

Mylène Farmer (1961), is a French singer, songwriter, occasional actress, author and cartoonist; Born to French parents in Pierrefonds (Canada) and living in Paris with her family since she was nine years old. Sales of his albums have reached 11 million copies according to his record companies Universal Music and Cherrytree Records . Other figures suggest between 20 and 30 million sales across all media. A recognized artist in France , her popularity goes beyond the borders of her country, especially in Russia, Belgium, Switzerland, Canada and the countries of Eastern Europe . He has managed to build a unique musical universe, notably through his spectacular music videos and concerts, as well as through his lyrics full of double meanings, alliterations, and literary and artistic references.

Mylène Farmer (1961), is a French singer, songwriter, occasional actress, author and cartoonist; Born to French parents in Pierrefonds (Canada) and living in Paris with her family since she was nine years old. Sales of his albums have reached 11 million copies according to his record companies Universal Music and Cherrytree Records . Other figures suggest between 20 and 30 million sales across all media. A recognized artist in France , her popularity goes beyond the borders of her country, especially in Russia, Belgium, Switzerland, Canada and the countries of Eastern Europe . He has managed to build a unique musical universe, notably through his spectacular music videos and concerts, as well as through his lyrics full of double meanings, alliterations, and literary and artistic references.

Ruper Ordorika (1956) is a singer-songwriter born in Oñati , Gipuzkoa. He is considered one of the great innovators of Basque song . He was part of the Pott literary group, along with the writers Joseba Sarrionandia, Bernardo Atxaga, Jon Juaristi and Manu Ertzilla , among others. He has been defending his rich songbook for more than 20 years with a guitar in his hands and the personality of a singer-songwriter who does so from the perspective of rock , a genre in which he moves like a fish in water.

Thalía (Ariadna Thalía, Mexico City, 1971) is a Mexican singer, actress and businesswoman; He began his musical career in the early 1980s as the vocalist of a children's group called Din-Din and in 1986 he joined the band Timbiriche , with which he recorded three studio albums and from which he separated in 1989. Shortly after He traveled to Los Angeles (California) to prepare as a soloist. She returned to Mexico in 1990 and published her first solo album titled Thalía , under the Fonovisa record label, followed by Mundo de cristal in 1991 and Love in 1992, both of which achieved sales success in Mexican territory. His notoriety has been increasing singing in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese and Tagalog; To date, Thalía has sold more than 25 million records in her solo career, making her one of the best-selling Latin music artists.

Thalía (Ariadna Thalía, Mexico City, 1971) is a Mexican singer, actress and businesswoman; He began his musical career in the early 1980s as the vocalist of a children's group called Din-Din and in 1986 he joined the band Timbiriche , with which he recorded three studio albums and from which he separated in 1989. Shortly after He traveled to Los Angeles (California) to prepare as a soloist. She returned to Mexico in 1990 and published her first solo album titled Thalía , under the Fonovisa record label, followed by Mundo de cristal in 1991 and Love in 1992, both of which achieved sales success in Mexican territory. His notoriety has been increasing singing in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese and Tagalog; To date, Thalía has sold more than 25 million records in her solo career, making her one of the best-selling Latin music artists.

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Cesare Pugni (1802-1870) was an Italian musician and composer, specialized in ballet music. Pugni is known for the ballets he composed for Her Majesty's Theater in London (1843–1850) and for the Imperial Theaters in Saint Petersburg (1850–1870). Most of his ballet music was composed for the works of ballet master Jules Perrot . In 1850 Perrot left London for Russia , having accepted the position of first ballet maître of the Imperial Theaters of Saint Petersburg . Cesare Pugni followed Perrot to Russia , and remained in the imperial capital as the Imperial Theatre 's official composer of ballet music until his death in 1870. In his lifetime he composed nearly 100 original scores of ballet music and countless incidental dances.

La Vivandière (or Markitenka , as it is known in Russia ) is a one-act ballet with choreography by Arthur Saint-Léon and Fanny Cerrito , and music by Cesare Pugn i. The ballet was first performed on 23 May 1844 by Her Majesty's Theater Ballet in London and was a great success. The ballet would be performed again in 1845, 1846 and 1848 and would premiere in Paris on October 20, 1848. The action takes place in a Hungarian village, where Kathi , a regimental vivandière (bartender), is in love with Hans , the son of the innkeeper. However, the local mayor has also set his sights on Kathi and seeks to prevent the young couple from being together ( Extracted from an article by The Marius Petipa Society ).

Today's revival is brought to us by the Universal Ballet Junior Company .

L'enfant et les sortilèges : Fantaisie lyrique en deux partes (“The Child and the Spells: Lyrical Fantasy in Two Parts”) is an opera in one act, with music by Maurice Ravel and a libretto by the French writer Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette . It is Ravel 's second opera, the first being titled The Spanish Hour (L'heure espagnole). Written from 1917 to 1925, the opera was premiered in Monte Carlo in 1925 under the baton of Victor de Sabata .

Today the Czech choreographer, based in the Netherlands , Jiri Kylian , offers us with his Ballet company a choreographed version of the opera.

L'enfant et les sortilèges : Fantaisie lyrique en deux partes (“The Child and the Spells: Lyrical Fantasy in Two Parts”) is an opera in one act, with music by Maurice Ravel and a libretto by the French writer Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette . It is Ravel 's second opera, the first being titled The Spanish Hour (L'heure espagnole). Written from 1917 to 1925, the opera was premiered in Monte Carlo in 1925 under the baton of Victor de Sabata .

Today the Czech choreographer, based in the Netherlands , Jiri Kylian , offers us with his Ballet company a choreographed version of the opera.

Huaylarsh or Huaylas is Peruvian folk music. It is a festive planting or harvesting dance from the southern part of the central Peruvian Andes . It possibly originated during the Viceroyalty (1532-1824) for the purposes of threshing cereals or potato crops, which involve the sense of love and greenery. ​According to the vocabulary developed by Diego González Holguín in 1608, it could come from the following Quechua words: Waylla : green meadow, good pasture; Waylluy : love with tenderness. In the dictionary prepared by Rodolfo Cerrón Palomino in 1976, mention is made of the term Huaylash : typical dance of the South of Huancayo ; Huaylas : competitive dance between men and women.​

Gerónimo Giménez (Seville, 1854 – Madrid, 1923) was a Spanish composer and conductor, who dedicated himself mainly to the composition of zarzuelas, leaving notable titles such as La tempranica or La Boda de Luis Alonso . He began studying music with his father and later continued in Cádiz , with Salvador Viniegra . He was a child prodigy, who at the age of 12 joined the Teatro Principal de Cádiz as first violinist. At the age of 17 he was already director of an opera and zarzuela company and received a scholarship to study violin and composition in Paris . In 1885 he was appointed director of the Apolo Theater in Madrid ; shortly after, director of the Teatro de la Zarzuela and later, director of the Concert Society , a position he held for 12 years. He died in Madrid , on February 19, 1923.

The Wedding of Luis Alonso or The Night of the Encierro is a lyrical farce (zarzuela) in one act, divided into three paintings, in verse, with music by Gerónimo Giménez and a libretto by Javier de Burgos y Larragoiti . It premiered at the Teatro de la Zarzuela in Madrid on January 27, 1897. Its instrumental Intermedio is probably the most popular in zarzuela.

Today the Ballet Alhambra offers it to us in a choreographed version.

Gerónimo Giménez (Seville, 1854 – Madrid, 1923) was a Spanish composer and conductor, who dedicated himself mainly to the composition of zarzuelas, leaving notable titles such as La tempranica or La Boda de Luis Alonso . He began studying music with his father and later continued in Cádiz , with Salvador Viniegra . He was a child prodigy, who at the age of 12 joined the Teatro Principal de Cádiz as first violinist. At the age of 17 he was already director of an opera and zarzuela company and received a scholarship to study violin and composition in Paris . In 1885 he was appointed director of the Apolo Theater in Madrid ; shortly after, director of the Teatro de la Zarzuela and later, director of the Concert Society , a position he held for 12 years. He died in Madrid , on February 19, 1923.

The Wedding of Luis Alonso or The Night of the Encierro is a lyrical farce (zarzuela) in one act, divided into three paintings, in verse, with music by Gerónimo Giménez and a libretto by Javier de Burgos y Larragoiti . It premiered at the Teatro de la Zarzuela in Madrid on January 27, 1897. Its instrumental Intermedio is probably the most popular in zarzuela.

Today the Ballet Alhambra offers it to us in a choreographed version.

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Various Wikipedia articles have been used to write these texts.

The texts of Videomusicalis are written in Basque, Spanish and English.