genocidio palestina
From this humble page we want to denounce
the genocidal terrorism that the State of Israel has
been exercising against the Palestinian People.
genocidio palestina
From this humble page we want to denounce
the genocidal terrorism that the State of Israel has
been exercising against the Palestinian People.

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Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) was a German violinist, organist, conductor and composer; He was born in Eisenach into the most prominent musical family in history with more than 30 famous composers within it. In 1703 he obtained his first job as a court musician for the Prince of Arndstat and in 1707 he moved to Mülhausen as an organist, where he married his cousin Maria Barbara with whom he had seven children. After the death of his wife in 1720, he remarried after a year and a half to María Magdalena with whom he would have another thirteen children. In 1723 he moved to Leipzig where he would reside until his death at the age of 65. A prolific composer, he is considered one of the main three geniuses in the History of Music along with Mozart and Beethoven.

The catalog of Bach's works or Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis , better known by its acronym BWV , consists of a numbered index of all the composer's works arranged thematically by type of work, genres and according to their vocal or instrumental nature and used by academics and musicians from around the world. This catalog was created in 1950 by the German musicologist Wolfgang Schmieder .

Oratorio is a dramatic musical genre, unlike opera , without staging, costumes, or sets. Generally composed for solo voices, choir and symphony orchestra, sometimes with a narrator, its theme is frequently religious (stories from the Bible or the Gospel , the life of Jesus or the lives of saints, etc.), but can also be be profane (mythological heroes, historical themes, hymn to nature, etc.). Its main characteristics are generally A) A general structure in several parts, frequently three, (eventually preceded by an instrumental prelude). B) The presence of a narrator (external to the action or identified with a character). C) The alternation between the sung parts of arias and recitatives.

Jauchzet, Frohlocket is the first number of the first cantata of the Christmas Oratorio : it is the chorale with which the oratorio begins. Starting in the 15th century, the term choral began to be used to refer to the ecclesiastical hymn of the Lutheran Church , especially its cantus firmus or its melody. Later, in the 18th century , the songs of the Protestant Church in general were called chorals . Likewise, organ pieces that use a chorale or a theme with characteristics similar to those of a chorale began to be called choral .

Today we present it conducted by Laurence Equilbey (1962), a French teacher specializing in choral repertoire.

Niccolo Paganini (1782-1840) Italian composer, a leading figure in violin virtuosity. A prodigy child, his father forced him from an early age to spend long hours studying the violin; so that by the time he was fourteen his teachers declared themselves incompetent to continue teaching him. As a violin soloist he made various tours of Italy, Vienna, Prague, Warsaw, Berlin, Paris and London ; admired for his amazing technique, he obtained declared recognitions from Liszt and Berlioz , among others; His technique caused admiration to such an extent that it was said of him that he had made a pact with the devil. He wrote numerous works for violin and also for guitar, viola and bassoon. He died of tuberculosis at the age of 58.

Catalog of Paganini's works . His works are classified by their Opus number (from the Latin opus 'work'; op. abbreviation) which is a term used in music to catalog the works of most composers since the 17th century .

The Violin Concerto No. 2 in B minor Op. 7 is a violin concerto composed by Niccolò Paganini in 1826. Structured in three movements, the third movement, known as La Campanella (The Little Bell), is the most popular of the work and one of the most famous by the Italian composer.

It is the movement that we offer today in the version of the extraordinary German violinist and pianist, Julia Fischer , one of the most important violinists in the world.

Niccolo Paganini (1782-1840) Italian composer, a leading figure in violin virtuosity. A prodigy child, his father forced him from an early age to spend long hours studying the violin; so that by the time he was fourteen his teachers declared themselves incompetent to continue teaching him. As a violin soloist he made various tours of Italy, Vienna, Prague, Warsaw, Berlin, Paris and London ; admired for his amazing technique, he obtained declared recognitions from Liszt and Berlioz , among others; His technique caused admiration to such an extent that it was said of him that he had made a pact with the devil. He wrote numerous works for violin and also for guitar, viola and bassoon. He died of tuberculosis at the age of 58.

Catalog of Paganini's works . His works are classified by their Opus number (from the Latin opus 'work'; op. abbreviation) which is a term used in music to catalog the works of most composers since the 17th century .

The Violin Concerto No. 2 in B minor Op. 7 is a violin concerto composed by Niccolò Paganini in 1826. Structured in three movements, the third movement, known as La Campanella (The Little Bell), is the most popular of the work and one of the most famous by the Italian composer.

It is the movement that we offer today in the version of the extraordinary German violinist and pianist, Julia Fischer , one of the most important violinists in the world.

Jacinto Guerrero (1895-1951) was a Spanish musician and zarzuela composer born in Ajofrín (Toledo) into a humble family whose father, Avelino Guerrero Cruz , was sacristan and director of the band in his town in which little Jacinto He played the bass drum and cymbals when he was only 6 years old. In 1914 he composed the first work written for a band that brought him enormous success and fame, Himno a Toledo . Thanks to this, he obtained a scholarship from the Provincial Council and the City Council to enter the Madrid Conservatory . In 1948, he became president of the SGAE , which led him, a year later, to travel to Brussels, Paris, Lisbon and New York ; In September of that same year, he died in the Rúber sanatorium in Madrid.

Los Gavilanes is a zarzuela in three acts and five pictures in prose, with music by Jacinto Guerrero and libretto by José Ramos Martín premiered on December 7, 1923 at the Teatro de la Zarzuela in Madrid . The action takes place in a village in Provence in the year 1845 and deals with the shock caused by Juan , an Indian who has made his fortune in Peru , when he returns to his town, since everyone believed him dead.

Today's version is performed during the VII Canary Islands Zarzuela Festival of 1999 conducted by maestro Felipe Amor .

Sergei Prokofiev (1891-1953) was a Soviet composer, pianist and conductor. As the creator of recognized masterpieces in numerous musical genres, he is considered one of the leading composers of the 20th century . His works include such heard pieces as the march from The Love of the Three Oranges , the suite Lieutenant Kijé , the ballet Romeo and Juliet , from which the Dance of the Knights is taken (which we offer today) , Peter and the Wolf ... He created seven complete operas, seven symphonies, eight ballets, five piano concertos, two violin concertos, one cello concerto, and nine completed piano sonatas. After his death in 1953, Arthur Honegger proclaimed that Prokofiev "would remain for us the greatest figure in contemporary music."

Romeo and Juliet is a ballet in three acts divided into thirteen scenes, including prologue and epilogue. It is one of the composer's most appreciated works, based on the high melodic inspiration, the great rhythmic variety and the memorable character of the main themes (the famous and sinister Dance of the Knights and its various variations that we offer today; the delicate and abundant theme of Juliet). The difficulty of the score prevented the composer from enjoying the success that his piece would have years later; He was criticized for a lack of lyricism and symphonic nature, as was Tchaikovsky .

Today the BBC Symphony conducted by the American maestro Leonard Slatkin offers us the popular Dance of the Knights from Prokofiev 's ballet.

Sergei Prokofiev (1891-1953) was a Soviet composer, pianist and conductor. As the creator of recognized masterpieces in numerous musical genres, he is considered one of the leading composers of the 20th century . His works include such heard pieces as the march from The Love of the Three Oranges , the suite Lieutenant Kijé , the ballet Romeo and Juliet , from which the Dance of the Knights is taken (which we offer today) , Peter and the Wolf ... He created seven complete operas, seven symphonies, eight ballets, five piano concertos, two violin concertos, one cello concerto, and nine completed piano sonatas. After his death in 1953, Arthur Honegger proclaimed that Prokofiev "would remain for us the greatest figure in contemporary music."

Romeo and Juliet is a ballet in three acts divided into thirteen scenes, including prologue and epilogue. It is one of the composer's most appreciated works, based on the high melodic inspiration, the great rhythmic variety and the memorable character of the main themes (the famous and sinister Dance of the Knights and its various variations that we offer today; the delicate and abundant theme of Juliet). The difficulty of the score prevented the composer from enjoying the success that his piece would have years later; He was criticized for a lack of lyricism and symphonic nature, as was Tchaikovsky .

Today the BBC Symphony conducted by the American maestro Leonard Slatkin offers us the popular Dance of the Knights from Prokofiev 's ballet.

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Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525-1594) was an Italian Renaissance composer of sacred music and the best-known representative of the 16th-century Roman School of musical composition. He had a lasting influence on the development of church and secular music in Europe , especially the development of counterpoint, and his work is considered the culmination of Renaissance polyphony. Palestrina is seen as the most representative author of polyphonic works adjusted to the new demands of the Counter-Reformation. His works from those years stand out for the clarity achieved, leaving the melody in the hands of the upper voice and precisely adjusting the rhythm of the speech. He is considered one of the most eminent authors of sacred music.

His musical production is made up almost entirely of polyphonic and sacred pieces, intended to accompany the Catholic liturgy. The exception is a certain number of secular madrigals . Of his nearly 500 motets, in addition to the Improperia , the 29 relating to the text of the Song of Songs , by Solomon , are famous, while of his 105 masses, the most notable is the Mass of Pope Marcellus that we offer today, dedicated to Marcellus . II , successor of Julius III , in which he made a synthesis of the style of his predecessors and contemporaries.

The Tallis Scholars are a British group founded in 1973 by their director Peter Phillips . They specialize in the a cappella performance of Renaissance sacred music.

Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714-1788) was a German harpsichordist and composer, second son of Johann Sebastian Bach 's first marriage with whom he studied harpsichord, performance and composition; He was one of the founders of Classicism . In 1738 he became part of the Court of Frederick the Great ; Not feeling sufficiently appreciated, he left the Court to move to Zittau and later to Leipzig . In 1768, after Telemann 's death, he succeeded him in the position of Chapel Master of Hamburg , where he lived until his death in 1788. Throughout his career he wrote numerous works for the keyboard, some two hundred chamber works, nineteen symphonies, fifteen concertos for different instruments, several songs and hymns, two oratorios and twenty passions.

Today we offer this set of CPE Bach flute concertos performed by Machiko Takahashi accompanied by the Concertgebouw Chamber Orchestra conducted by maestro Roland Kieft .

Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714-1788) was a German harpsichordist and composer, second son of Johann Sebastian Bach 's first marriage with whom he studied harpsichord, performance and composition; He was one of the founders of Classicism . In 1738 he became part of the Court of Frederick the Great ; Not feeling sufficiently appreciated, he left the Court to move to Zittau and later to Leipzig . In 1768, after Telemann 's death, he succeeded him in the position of Chapel Master of Hamburg , where he lived until his death in 1788. Throughout his career he wrote numerous works for the keyboard, some two hundred chamber works, nineteen symphonies, fifteen concertos for different instruments, several songs and hymns, two oratorios and twenty passions.

Today we offer this set of CPE Bach flute concertos performed by Machiko Takahashi accompanied by the Concertgebouw Chamber Orchestra conducted by maestro Roland Kieft .

Johannes Brahms (1833-1897), born in Vienna where he spent most of his life, was the most conservative composer of romanticism compared to the progressive current led by Liszt and Wagner . His music is firmly rooted in the compositional structures and techniques of the classical masters and his formal structures faithfully follow the patterns of classicism , although he uses some of the color of romanticism and popular music. Of an eminently perfectionist character, he wrote for piano, chamber ensembles, orchestra symphonic, for solo voices and for choir. It was Hans von Bulow who proposed the “three Bs” referring to Bach , Beethoven and Brahms as the three main pillars of the History of music .

Catalog of Brahms' works . His works are classified by their Opus number (from the Latin opus 'work'; op. abbreviation) which is a term used in music to catalog the works of most composers since the 17th century .

Piano Trio . During the Baroque the trio usually consisted of two high-pitched melodic instruments and a basso continuo played by a low-pitched melodic instrument in addition to a harmonic instrument such as a harpsichord. In Classicism it was the piano trio , formed by violin, cello and piano, which gained the favor of composers in a clearer way, being with Haydn with whom this formation was stabilized, at the same time that it underwent a profound transformation. providing different nuances and contrasts to the ensemble, sometimes adding voices or wind instruments. In Mozart 's hands, the cello goes from being a secondary instrument that doubles the left hand of the piano to becoming a vital and participatory actor.

Not the Trio. 1 in B major op. 8 , for piano violin and cello, by Johannes Brahms was composed and published in 1854. During the summer of 1889, Brahms revised the work extensively and published a new version in 1891 under the same opus number, but with the note "new edition "; The second version is radically different from the first. Brahms initiated some tweaks to the score, but ended up changing entire sections of almost every movement. The trio is articulated in four movements: I (0´16´´) ALLEGRO CON BRIO .-. II (10'04'') SCHERZO .-. III (16'26'') ADAGIO .-. IV (23´52´´) ALLEGRO.

Today's version is brought to us by the Trinity Trio with Tina Kim on piano, Stella Kim on violin and Sally Kim on cello.

Efrem Podgaits (Moscow, 1949). In 1974 he graduated in composition from the Moscow Conservatory and since 1978 he has been a member of the Russian Union of Composers . Podgaits ' works include 14 operas, 4 ballets, 4 symphonies; 46 concertos for different instruments and orchestra, including, for the first time in Russia , a Concerto for harpsichord and orchestra , the “ Lambada Concerto ” for oboe and orchestra, as well as one of the most significant works of recent years: a Triple Concerto for violin, cello, piano and orchestra . Children's music occupies a special place within the Podgaits musical universe and has earned the composer due recognition. Podgaits ' music is regularly performed at music festivals and competitions in Russia and abroad. (Extracted from his personal website)

Today the Latvian accordionist Ksenija Sidorova , accompanied by the Camerata Báltica offers us Concerto No. 2 for Bayan (accordion) and orchestra .

Efrem Podgaits (Moscow, 1949). In 1974 he graduated in composition from the Moscow Conservatory and since 1978 he has been a member of the Russian Union of Composers . Podgaits ' works include 14 operas, 4 ballets, 4 symphonies; 46 concertos for different instruments and orchestra, including, for the first time in Russia , a Concerto for harpsichord and orchestra , the “ Lambada Concerto ” for oboe and orchestra, as well as one of the most significant works of recent years: a Triple Concerto for violin, cello, piano and orchestra . Children's music occupies a special place within the Podgaits musical universe and has earned the composer due recognition. Podgaits ' music is regularly performed at music festivals and competitions in Russia and abroad. (Extracted from his personal website)

Today the Latvian accordionist Ksenija Sidorova , accompanied by the Camerata Báltica offers us Concerto No. 2 for Bayan (accordion) and orchestra .

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Alfred McCoy Tyner (1938-2020) was an American jazz pianist. He began studying piano at the age of 13 and two years later, music had become the center of his life. Known especially for his work with the John Coltrane Quartet , throughout his career he approached a wide variety of styles, although always within the jazz avant-garde: progressive jazz, modal jazz, hard bop , etc.; He also dedicated some albums to Afro-Cuban music. Tyner 's right-hand soloing is recognized for a staccato quality and descending arpeggios , both in a triadic form and in other patterns. His approach to chord playing (characteristically in fourths) has influenced a huge number of jazz pianists.

The Liher project began its journey in 2015. Lide Hernando , now the group's singer and guitarist, released a solo demo titled Arrazoi gutxi, denbora asko (Few reasons, a lot of time). It took a few months for the project to become a band; and today it is Iñigo Etxarri (guitar, backing vocals), Joshka Natke (bass, backing vocals) and Ander Berzosa (drums) who make up the quartet. In 2016 they published their first LP, Hauts (Polvo); in 2018 Tenpluak Erre (Burn the temples), with which the group embarked on the path towards heavier rock with stoner overtones. Continuing along this path, in 2020 they published a thematic album-book titled Hemen Herensugeak Daude (Here There Are Dragons) and in November 2021 their latest work Eta Hutsa Zen Helmuga (And Destiny Was the Void). Throughout these four works they have been mixing many different branches of rock and the band has been developing an increasingly personal style and sound, offering its most solid side in its powerful live shows. (Extracted from the Band's Website)

The Liher project began its journey in 2015. Lide Hernando , now the group's singer and guitarist, released a solo demo titled Arrazoi gutxi, denbora asko (Few reasons, a lot of time). It took a few months for the project to become a band; and today it is Iñigo Etxarri (guitar, backing vocals), Joshka Natke (bass, backing vocals) and Ander Berzosa (drums) who make up the quartet. In 2016 they published their first LP, Hauts (Polvo); in 2018 Tenpluak Erre (Burn the temples), with which the group embarked on the path towards heavier rock with stoner overtones. Continuing along this path, in 2020 they published a thematic album-book titled Hemen Herensugeak Daude (Here There Are Dragons) and in November 2021 their latest work Eta Hutsa Zen Helmuga (And Destiny Was the Void). Throughout these four works they have been mixing many different branches of rock and the band has been developing an increasingly personal style and sound, offering its most solid side in its powerful live shows. (Extracted from the Band's Website)

Bobby Darin (1936-1973) was an American singer, one of the most popular and a teenage idol of the 1950s and 1960s. He was born into a poor working-class family in the Bronx, New York, with great talent. stop the music; As a teenager he could play several instruments such as the piano, drums, guitar, harmonica and xylophone. With a genius IQ, he left school and began working in nightclubs as a singer with a music group. He performed various musical genres such as folk, country, pop and jazz and worked as an actor in several films, being nominated for an Oscar in 1964. Bobby Darin 's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is at 1735 on Vine Street .

Shreya Ghoshal (born March 12, 1984 in Baharampur , India) is an Indian playback singer. After winning the Sa Re Ga Ma competition, director Sanjay Leela Bhansali cast her in the film Devdas in 2002. She won the RD Burman Award for Best New Talent and the Filmfare Award for Best Playback Singer (Female). Along with Sunidhi Chauhan, Alka Yagnik, Sadhana Sargam and Kavita Krishnamurthy , she is one of the most prominent young singers in Bollywood .

Shreya Ghoshal (born March 12, 1984 in Baharampur , India) is an Indian playback singer. After winning the Sa Re Ga Ma competition, director Sanjay Leela Bhansali cast her in the film Devdas in 2002. She won the RD Burman Award for Best New Talent and the Filmfare Award for Best Playback Singer (Female). Along with Sunidhi Chauhan, Alka Yagnik, Sadhana Sargam and Kavita Krishnamurthy , she is one of the most prominent young singers in Bollywood .

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Adolphe Adam (1803-1856) was a French composer born in Paris and author of abundant stage music. His first successes came in his adulthood with the ballet Giselle and the opera Si j'étais roi ; By then he had already written several ballets and operas; In total he wrote 40 operas, 14 ballets and various cantatas, hymns, masses, choirs, piano pieces, pantomimes, military marches and plays; Of all these compositions it is worth highlighting, in addition to those already mentioned, the carol Cantique de Noël, known worldwide, in its English translation, as O Holy Night and the ballet Le Corsaire .

The Pas de Trois that we offer today belongs precisely to the ballet in three acts, Le Corsaire with music by Adolphe Adam and libretto by Jules-Henri Vernoy de Saint-Georges , inspired by the poem The Corsair by Lord Byron and the opera derived from the same, Verdi 's The Corsair . The original choreography is by Joseph Mazilier and it premiered for the first time in 1856 at the Paris Opera . However, in 1868, Marius Petipa and Jules Perrot performed a renewal of the ballet for the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow . This version is the one from which most subsequent adaptations and productions are derived.

Etnias is a work inspired by the book “ Creative Language of Indigenous Ethnicities of Colombia ”, edited by Sura and written by researcher Cecilia Duque Duque , as a result of a long journey through the national territory. The Ballet Folklorico de Antioquía creates from this text a unique and diverse choreographic universe, as diverse as the 15 ethnic groups included in the book; The Ballet 's proposal is a journey towards the coastline, the jungle, the coasts and the Colombian plains, a contemporary staging that represents a challenge for the Catalan choreographer María Rovira , the playwright Victoria Szpunberg and the musical composition of Juan Pablo Acosta , who have the great responsibility of bringing these universes to the stage. Etnias is a product of the long-standing Creation Grant of the 2nd Cali International Dance Biennial . (Extracted from the comment at the bottom of the video)

Etnias is a work inspired by the book “ Creative Language of Indigenous Ethnicities of Colombia ”, edited by Sura and written by researcher Cecilia Duque Duque , as a result of a long journey through the national territory. The Ballet Folklorico de Antioquía creates from this text a unique and diverse choreographic universe, as diverse as the 15 ethnic groups included in the book; The Ballet 's proposal is a journey towards the coastline, the jungle, the coasts and the Colombian plains, a contemporary staging that represents a challenge for the Catalan choreographer María Rovira , the playwright Victoria Szpunberg and the musical composition of Juan Pablo Acosta , who have the great responsibility of bringing these universes to the stage. Etnias is a product of the long-standing Creation Grant of the 2nd Cali International Dance Biennial . (Extracted from the comment at the bottom of the video)

Chinese Dances have a wide range of artistic expressions due to their colors, their studied movements, their diverse origins and the circumstances in which they develop; They represent everything from popular dances to opera and ballet performances. Of the 56 officially recognized ethnic groups in China , each group has its own folk dances and times of performing them. Currently there is a resurgence and a movement to recover traditional dances adapted to our times, as in the video we present today.

Creative National Dress Fashion Show. It is an example of a parade/dance of Chinese national costumes under the support of a medley of traditional music with the collaboration of different dance teams of adults and children.

Chagras and Juyayay . In the summer of 2019, the Tungurahua Folkloric Group from Ambato Ecuador is invited to several festivals in France , including this Gannat Festival, a city located in the center of France , department of Allier, district of Vichy . In 2020, the Group celebrates its 50 years of artistic life, a time in which it has been able to project the identity of its country to Ecuador and the world through the best of traditional dance and music. Carlos Quinde Mancero , in his beginnings, knew how to inaugurate a new proposal in dance matters, interpreting the most authentic of the original cultures of his people, manifestations that managed to stay alive and that are collected in all their richness by the Group and expressed in each one. of their actions. Let the story continue. (Extracted from the comment at the bottom of the video)

Chagras and Juyayay . In the summer of 2019, the Tungurahua Folkloric Group from Ambato Ecuador is invited to several festivals in France , including this Gannat Festival, a city located in the center of France , department of Allier, district of Vichy . In 2020, the Group celebrates its 50 years of artistic life, a time in which it has been able to project the identity of its country to Ecuador and the world through the best of traditional dance and music. Carlos Quinde Mancero , in his beginnings, knew how to inaugurate a new proposal in dance matters, interpreting the most authentic of the original cultures of his people, manifestations that managed to stay alive and that are collected in all their richness by the Group and expressed in each one. of their actions. Let the story continue. (Extracted from the comment at the bottom of the video)

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Various Wikipedia articles have been used to write these texts.

The texts of Videomusicalis are written in Basque, Spanish and English.