
Qu'es mi vida, preguntais

Ockeghem Johannes |

Information about this music video:

5m 23s
Title on Youtube:
Johannes Ockeghem: Qu'es mi vida, preguntais
Description on Youtube:
Johannes Ockeghem (1420-96) was the most important composer of his generation in the Flemish school that dominated Renaissance music. Possibly a pupil of the eminent composer Gilles Binchois (1400-1460), Ockeghem served as composer and choirmaster to three French kings: Charles VII, Louis XI, and Charles VIII. At his death, a Déploration (lament) was composed by his pupil (according to tradition), the French composer Josquin Desprez, and a lament by the philosopher Erasmus was set to music by the French composer Johannes Lupi (c. 1506-39). Ockeghem's masses, motets, and chansons (secular part-songs) show great skill at counterpoint based on melodic imitation.