
All that Jazz

Clarinet Quartet Nevsky

Information about this music video:


7m 24s
Title on Youtube:
All that Jazz - Clarinet quartet "Nevsky"
Description on Youtube:
All that Jazz A. Grgin: Associations G. Gershwin: Rhapsody in blue G. Gershwin: Prelude no. 1 J. Aebersold: B blues (ar. Marko Maric) Zen Confrey: Dizzy fingers A. Grgin: Salto All the characters in this show are accidental, and any resemblance to actual people and events is your fiction. QUARTET NEVSKY Milos Bjelica, Adam Bou, Djordje Jovanovic, Nikola Ulemek Quartet Mentor: Ljubisa Jovanovic Concert Director: Igor Vuk Torbica Percussions: Aleksandar Petrovic