
Portrait in Jazz

Bill Evans Trio

Information about this music video:



2h 8m 26s
Title on Youtube:
Bill Evans - Portrait in Jazz (1960 Album)
Description on Youtube:
Portrait in Jazz is an album by American jazz pianist Bill Evans, released in 1960. Personnel: Bill Evans (p) Scott LaFaro (b) Paul Motian (dr) Released: 1960 . Portrait in Jazz is an album by American jazz pianist Bill Evans, released in 1960. Personnel: Bill Evans (p) Scott LaFaro (b) Paul Motian (dr) Released: 1960 . Bill Evans - Sunday at the Village Vanguard Released 2014-06-06 on Not Now Music Buy this album: 1. 00:00:00 Bill . Bill Evans Trio with Symphony Orchestra is an album by American jazz pianist Bill Evans and his Trio, released in 1966. The Bill Evans Trio is accompanied by a .