
Poem Op.41, No.4

Fibich Zdenek (Zdenko) | Vidović David

Information about this music video:

5m 2s
Title on Youtube:
Fibich,Zdenek: Poem Op. 41, No.4 from "At Twilight" (violin & piano)
Description on Youtube:
Fibich, Zdenek: Poem Op. 41, No.4 from "At Twilight" (violin & piano) Violinist David Vidović and pianist Davor Matačić, a duo of Croatian musicians and perfectionists, performed set of 13 classical compositions as part of their practice session back in 2003. I had a privilege to record those magical moments with equipment hired from local TV station (where I started working as newsroom reporter at that time). Piano: Davor Matačić / Mobile: +385 99 5338 554 / Mail: Violin : David Vidović / Mobile: +385 95 9131 976 Zdeněk Fibich (21 December 1850 -- 15 October 1900) was a Czech composer of classical music. Among his compositions are chamber works (including two string quartets, a piano trio, piano quartet and a quintet for piano, strings and winds), symphonic poems, three symphonies, at least seven operas (the most famous probably Šárka and The Bride of Messina), melodramas including the substantial trilogy Hippodamia, liturgical music including a mass - a missa brevis; and a large cycle (almost 400 pieces, from the 1890s) of piano works called Moods, Impressions, and Reminiscences. The piano cycle served as a diary of sorts of his love for a piano pupil. He was born in Všebořice (Šebořice) near Čáslav.