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From this humble page we want to denounce
the genocidal terrorism that the State of Israel has
been exercising against the Palestinian People.
From this humble page we want to denounce
the genocidal terrorism that the State of Israel has
been exercising against the Palestinian People.
Lumbye Hans Christian
Concert-Polka for 2 violins
4m 17s
Lumbye Hans Christian
Zazofsky George, Krips Alfred
Polca, Dúo de violines y acompañamiento, Romanticismo, Audio
4m 17s
Lumbye Hans Christian
Zazofsky George, Krips Alfred
Polca, Dúo de violines y acompañamiento, Romanticismo, Audio
Concert-Polka for 2 violins
4m 17s
Lumbye Hans Christian
Zazofsky George, Krips Alfred
Polca, Dúo de violines y acompañamiento, Romanticismo, Audio
Šampaninis galopas
3m 3s
Lumbye Hans Christian
Merūnas simfoninis orkestras
Galop, Obra orquestal, Romanticismo
3m 3s
Lumbye Hans Christian
Merūnas simfoninis orkestras
Galop, Obra orquestal, Romanticismo
Šampaninis galopas
3m 3s
Lumbye Hans Christian
Merūnas simfoninis orkestras
Galop, Obra orquestal, Romanticismo
Kolumbine Polka Mazurka
4m 19s
Lumbye Hans Christian
Mazurka,Obra orquestal,Romanticismo
4m 19s
Lumbye Hans Christian
Mazurka,Obra orquestal,Romanticismo
Kolumbine Polka Mazurka
4m 19s
Lumbye Hans Christian
Mazurka,Obra orquestal,Romanticismo
Kopenhagener Eisenbahn-Dampf-Galopp
3m 46s
Lumbye Hans Christian
Galop, Orquesta de cámara, Romanticismo
3m 46s
Lumbye Hans Christian
Galop, Orquesta de cámara, Romanticismo
Kopenhagener Eisenbahn-Dampf-Galopp
3m 46s
Lumbye Hans Christian
Galop, Orquesta de cámara, Romanticismo
3m 13s
Lumbye Hans Christian
Kielland Lund Anne Cathrine
Galop, Obra orquestal, Romanticismo
3m 13s
Lumbye Hans Christian
Kielland Lund Anne Cathrine
Galop, Obra orquestal, Romanticismo
3m 13s
Lumbye Hans Christian
Kielland Lund Anne Cathrine
Galop, Obra orquestal, Romanticismo