genocidio palestina
From this humble page we want to denounce
the genocidal terrorism that the State of Israel has
been exercising against the Palestinian People.
genocidio palestina
From this humble page we want to denounce
the genocidal terrorism that the State of Israel has
been exercising against the Palestinian People.


Duo N. 1 in G Major K 423

Duo N. 1 in G Major K 423
19m 20s
Mozart Wolfang Amadeus
Perlman Itzhak, Zukerman Pinchas
Dúo, Violín, Viola, Clasicismo

Sonata para viola - Mov III

Sonata para viola - Mov III
5m 30s
Moncayo José Pablo
Hernandez-Hidalgo Omar, Nader Mauricio
Sonata,Parte,Viola,Piano,Estilo contemporáneo,Audio

Sonata para viola - Mov II

Sonata para viola - Mov II
9m 0s
Moncayo José Pablo
Hernandez-Hidalgo Omar, Nader Mauricio
Sonata,Parte,Viola,Piano,Estilo contemporáneo,Audio

Sonata para viola y Piano - I Allegro Moderato

Sonata para viola y Piano - I Allegro Moderato
4m 46s
Moncayo José Pablo
Kotcherguia Tatiana, Meeks Jeffrey
Sonata,Parte,Viola,Piano,Estilo contemporáneo,Audio