genocidio palestina
From this humble page we want to denounce
the genocidal terrorism that the State of Israel has
been exercising against the Palestinian People.
genocidio palestina
From this humble page we want to denounce
the genocidal terrorism that the State of Israel has
been exercising against the Palestinian People.


Concerto grosso nº 1 - 1er Mov.

Concerto grosso nº 1 - 1er Mov.
3m 5s
Bloch Ernest
Gharabekian Aram
Concierto, Posromanticismo, Orquesta de cuerda, Piano

Concerto Grosso n.1

Concerto Grosso n.1
21m 33s
Bloch Ernest
Kubelík Rafael
Audio,Concierto,Posromanticismo,Piano y acompañamiento,Orquesta de cuerda,Piano

Concerto pour piano et orchestre n° 1

Concerto pour piano et orchestre n° 1
43m 20s
Blancafort Manuel
Villalba Miquel, Portella Kiev
Concierto, Piano, Versión reducida, Posromanticismo

Piano Concerto No. 2 - III Mov

Piano Concerto No. 2 - III Mov
5m 48s
Beethoven Ludwig (van)
Argerich Martha
Concierto, Parte, Piano y acompañamiento, Clasicismo

Piano Concerto 1 - III Mvt

Piano Concerto 1 - III Mvt
8m 40s
Beethoven Ludwig (van)
Áshkenazi Vladímir
Concierto, Parte, Piano y acompañamiento, Clasicismo