genocidio palestina
From this humble page we want to denounce
the genocidal terrorism that the State of Israel has
been exercising against the Palestinian People.
genocidio palestina
From this humble page we want to denounce
the genocidal terrorism that the State of Israel has
been exercising against the Palestinian People.

Música de ballet


41m 46s
Stravinsky Igor, Spoerli Heinz
Basler Ballett , Marriner Neville
Música de ballet, Solista(s) y orquesta, Posromanticismo, Ballet en vivo


34m 9s
Stravinsky Igor
Bolshoi Ballet
Música de ballet, Orquesta sinfónica, Posromanticismo, Ballet en vivo

Le sacre du printemps

Le sacre du printemps
34m 36s
Stravinsky Igor
Boulez Pierre
Música de ballet, Orquesta sinfónica, Estilo contemporáneo, Ballet en vivo


42m 41s
Stravinsky Igor
Bolshoi Ballet
Música de ballet, Orquesta sinfónica, Posromanticismo, Ballet en vivo

La Boutique 09 promo video

La Boutique 09 promo video
7m 14s
Rossini Gioachino, Respighi Ottorino
The Portland Ballet
Música de ballet, Fragmento(-s), Ballet en vivo

Dafnis and Chloe - Fragments

Dafnis and Chloe - Fragments
3m 50s
Ravel Deluarte Maurice
Perm Ballet
Música de ballet, Fragmento(-s), Impresionismo, Ballet en vivo

Alice's Adventure's in Wonderland

Alice's Adventure's in Wonderland
3m 7s
Talbot Joby
The Royal Ballet
Música de ballet, Escena, Posromanticismo, Ballet en vivo

Romeo & Juliet | Dance Of The Knights

Romeo & Juliet | Dance Of The Knights
6m 55s
Prokofiev Sergei
Bolshoi Ballet
Música de ballet, Parte, Obra orquestal, Posromanticismo, Ballet en vivo