genocidio palestina
From this humble page we want to denounce
the genocidal terrorism that the State of Israel has
been exercising against the Palestinian People.
genocidio palestina
From this humble page we want to denounce
the genocidal terrorism that the State of Israel has
been exercising against the Palestinian People.

Letra subtitulada

Non dago nire herria

Non dago nire herria
7m 49s
Elorrieta Eñaut
Letra subtitulada,Canción popular,Canción vasca,Cantante(s)

Nire aitaren etxea

Nire aitaren etxea
4m 11s
Elorrieta Eñaut
Letra subtitulada, Canción reivindicativa, Canción vasca, Cantante(s)

Izarren hautsa

Izarren hautsa
8m 40s
Folk Basque
Elorrieta Eñaut
Letra subtitulada, Canción vasca

Lucia di Lammermoor. Ópera en tres actos

Lucia di Lammermoor. Ópera en tres actos
2h 26m 28s
Donizetti Gaetano
Ciofi Patrizia, Frontali Roberto, Guidarini Marco, Scandiuzzi Roberto, Villazón Rolando
Ópera, Solista(s) coro y orquesta, Romanticismo, Letra subtitulada