genocidio palestina
From this humble page we want to denounce
the genocidal terrorism that the State of Israel has
been exercising against the Palestinian People.
genocidio palestina
From this humble page we want to denounce
the genocidal terrorism that the State of Israel has
been exercising against the Palestinian People.


Manon Lescaut: Sola, Perduta, Abbandonata

Manon Lescaut: Sola, Perduta, Abbandonata
6m 50s
Puccini Giaccomo
Grigorian Asmik, Wilson Keri-Lynn
Aria, Soprano y acompañamiento, Posromanticismo

Mitridate, re di Ponto, Pallid'ombre

Mitridate, re di Ponto, Pallid'ombre
7m 45s
Mozart Wolfang Amadeus
Organasova Luba
Aria, Ópera, Soprano y acompañamiento, Clasicismo

Alcina - 'Credete al mio dolore'

Alcina - 'Credete al mio dolore'
9m 15s
Haendel Georg Friedrich
Puértolas Sabina, Rousset Christophe
Aria, Ópera, Soprano y acompañamiento, Barroco