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From this humble page we want to denounce
the genocidal terrorism that the State of Israel has
been exercising against the Palestinian People.
From this humble page we want to denounce
the genocidal terrorism that the State of Israel has
been exercising against the Palestinian People.
Pelucchi M° Pierangelo
Francesca da Rimini
17m 17s
Bazzini Antonio
Pelucchi M° Pierangelo
Poema sinfónico, Obra orquestal, Romanticismo
17m 17s
Bazzini Antonio
Pelucchi M° Pierangelo
Poema sinfónico, Obra orquestal, Romanticismo
Francesca da Rimini
17m 17s
Bazzini Antonio
Pelucchi M° Pierangelo
Poema sinfónico, Obra orquestal, Romanticismo
La passione di Cristo secondo san Marco (5´55´´)
1h 21m 3s
Perosi Lorenzo
Pelucchi M° Pierangelo
Oratorio, Solista(s) coro y orquesta, Narrador/a, Posromanticismo
1h 21m 3s
Perosi Lorenzo
Pelucchi M° Pierangelo
Oratorio, Solista(s) coro y orquesta, Narrador/a, Posromanticismo
La passione di Cristo secondo san Marco (5´55´´)
1h 21m 3s
Perosi Lorenzo
Pelucchi M° Pierangelo
Oratorio, Solista(s) coro y orquesta, Narrador/a, Posromanticismo
II diluvio universale - Obertura
8m 31s
Donizetti Gaetano
Pelucchi M° Pierangelo
Obertura,Obra orquestal,Ópera,Romanticismo
8m 31s
Donizetti Gaetano
Pelucchi M° Pierangelo
Obertura,Obra orquestal,Ópera,Romanticismo
II diluvio universale - Obertura
8m 31s
Donizetti Gaetano
Pelucchi M° Pierangelo
Obertura,Obra orquestal,Ópera,Romanticismo