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From this humble page we want to denounce
the genocidal terrorism that the State of Israel has
been exercising against the Palestinian People.
From this humble page we want to denounce
the genocidal terrorism that the State of Israel has
been exercising against the Palestinian People.
Trostiansky Alexandre
Concertone for two violins in C major
27m 47s
Mozart Wolfang Amadeus
Trostiansky Alexandre, Borisoglebsky Nikita
Concierto,Dos violines y acompañamiento,Clasicismo
27m 47s
Mozart Wolfang Amadeus
Trostiansky Alexandre, Borisoglebsky Nikita
Concierto,Dos violines y acompañamiento,Clasicismo
Concertone for two violins in C major
27m 47s
Mozart Wolfang Amadeus
Trostiansky Alexandre, Borisoglebsky Nikita
Concierto,Dos violines y acompañamiento,Clasicismo
Concerto pour violon et orchestre en la mineur, Opus 54
21m 1s
Arenski Antón
Trostiansky Alexandre
Concierto,Violín y acompañamiento,Romanticismo
21m 1s
Arenski Antón
Trostiansky Alexandre
Concierto,Violín y acompañamiento,Romanticismo
Concerto pour violon et orchestre en la mineur, Opus 54
21m 1s
Arenski Antón
Trostiansky Alexandre
Concierto,Violín y acompañamiento,Romanticismo