
Piano Concerto No. 1

Rautavaara Einojuhani | Tong Zuo Scarlett

Información del vídeo musical:

24m 13s
Título en Youtube:
Scarlett Tong Zuo plays Rautavaara Piano Concerto No. 1 - 左彤演奏劳塔瓦拉第一钢琴协奏曲
Descripción en Youtube:
Einojuhani Rautavaara - 埃诺约哈尼·劳塔瓦拉 Piano Concerto No. 1 - 第一钢琴协奏曲 Scarlett Tong Zuo, Piano - 钢琴:左彤 Toshiyuki Shimada, Conductor - 指挥:岛田俊行 Yale Symphony Orchestra - 耶鲁大学交响乐团 Woolsey Hall, Yale University - 耶鲁大学Woolsey音乐厅 April 2, 2016 - 2016年4月2日 ****** A NOTE ABOUT THE DRESS Designed by Scarlett Tong Zuo in collaboration with Rong Zhang from Jin Zhen Haute Couture Rautavaara’s first piano concerto is full of conflicting extremes. Harmonies and dissonances, peacefulness and restlessness, and sweet lyricism and explosive clusters are all wrapped in the rich musical texture. It is as if we are looking through a kaleidoscope, where new elements are constantly emerging, moving and morphing in a shimmering and mysterious aura. When I decided to wear in addition to playing Rautavaara’s music, I wanted to challenge myself to think more visually about the incredibly complex world that Rautavaara has created within this concerto. Bold contrasting colors, symmetry and asymmetry, and sculptural elements that look unlikely to come together all became integral parts of the sparkling gown. Let it trigger your imagination: a blossoming iris, a burning flame, or a blazing day turning into a starry night. Sit tight and hold your breath, and let this journey full of sounds and colors take you to unforeseeable destinations. ****** 关于演出礼服的说明 左彤与张蓉(锦臻高级服装定制)合作设计 劳塔瓦拉的第一钢琴协奏曲充满了极端的冲突。和谐与不和谐、宁静与焦躁、抒情的歌唱性与爆炸式的音群共同编织成了这首作品丰富的音乐结构。我们仿佛在透过一个万花筒,观察新的元素在闪烁又迷离的光晕中不断地浮现、运动、变幻。 我想把劳塔瓦拉的音乐穿在身上,是希望通过这种方式挑战我自己,以更视觉化的方式,理解作曲家在这首作品中创造出的无限精妙的世界。大胆的对比色、对称与不对称、看似天马牛不相及的建筑性元素,都成为这件闪闪发光的礼服的一部分。让它帮助你释放想象:一朵怒放的鸢尾,一束熊熊的火焰,一个艳阳高照的白昼渐渐褪为满天星光的夜晚。 请坐定、屏息,让这个充满声音与色彩的旅程带你前往未知的目的地。