
Odissi Dance - Manglacharan Ganesh Vandana

Folk India | Shakiba Maryam

Información del vídeo musical:



8m 44s
Título en Youtube:
Maryam Shakiba - Odissi Dance - Manglacharan Ganesh Vandana
Descripción en Youtube:
Odissi is one of the eight classical dance forms of India, originating from the state of Orissa, East India. This piece is the first dance in the Odissi repertoire: Manglacharan, Ganesh Vandana. Choreographed by Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra. Maryam is a London based odissi dancer, and has been studying primarily under Smt Sujata Mohapatra and Colleena Shakti since 2012. www.maryamshakiba.com This video was filmed in April 2014 at Shakti School of Dance, at the Old Rang Nath Temple, Pushkar, Rajasthan. Filming and editing by Julianne Reynolds of Romanski Films :)