
Koanga. Ópera en tres actos

Delius Frederick |

Información del vídeo musical:

1h 50m 0s
Título en Youtube:
Koanga - Frederick Delius
Descripción en Youtube:
This opera by Frederick Delius tells the story of a slave rebellion on an American plantation in the 18th century. Norman Garrett plays Koanga and Nozuko Teto plays Palmyra. The opera features the famous La Calinda as well as some other gorgeous music. The production was part of the Wexford Opera Festival in 2015. .Moe details of the opera's history and the story here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koanga#:~:text=Koanga%20is%20an%20opera%20with%20music%20by%20Frederick,his%20family%20sent%20him%20to%20work%20in%20Florida.