
Autumn Gardens

Rautavaara Einojuhani | Áshkenazi Vladímir

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26m 16s
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Einojuhani Rautavaara, Autumn Gardens (complete) 1999
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Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, Vladimir Ashkenazy. To quote the composer: "I have often compared composing to gardening. In both processes, one observes and controls organic growth rather than constructing or assembling existing components and elements. I would also like to think that my compositions are rather like 'English gardens', freely growing and organic, as opposed to those that are pruned to geometric precision and severity". "The title is derived from a passage in the libretto of my opera 'The House of the Sun': ' a butterfly in the garden of black autumn...' The motif to which these words are sung is used as the theme for the variations of the first movement. It's texture grows and becomes denser by degrees. The second slow movement, rhythmically and dynamically placid, follows without a pause. The third movement starts off vivacious and brisk, but autumn is a time of leaves falling, of colours, and death, and so soon becomes a solemn dance, perhaps a sarabande in honour of the dying splendour of summer, or as T.S. Eliot said, 'late roses filled with early snow' ". This is an excerpt from the Ondine CD ODE 950-2, which contains also the Piano Concerto No. 3 (Gift of Dreams), and a 13 minute interview with the composer. All the recordings were made in his presence.