
Når himmelen faller ned

Folk Norge (Noruega) | Preus Anne Grete, Rønning Halldis

Musika-bideoari buruzko informazioa:

4m 39s
Youtubeko izenburua:
Anne Grete Preus - Når himmelen faller ned (8. mars, 2013)
Youtubeko deskribapena:
Written by Anne Grete Preus, arranged by Erlend Skomsvoll, conducted by Halldis Rønning. From the 100th anniversary celebration concert for women's right to vote (in Norway), at Kilden Theatre and Concert Hall in Kristiansand, March 8th, 2013. Stemmerettsjubileet, festkonsert i Kilden. The song is released on "Mosaikk - 16 biter" (1998), and remastered on "En røff guide til Anne Grete Preus" (2012).