
Hola doaz gauzak

Folk Euskal Herria | Aritzak

Musika-bideoari buruzko informazioa:



3m 1s
Youtubeko izenburua:
Aritzak / Hola doaz gauzak
Youtubeko deskribapena:
Copyright disclaimer! I do NOT own this song nor the image featured in the video. All rights belong to it's rightful owner/owner's. No copyright infringement intended. For promotional purposes only. Support the artist by purchasing their single/album. Aritzak taldearen kantu ederra, 2008. urteko "Hamar urte" diskoan agertzen da. Preciosa canción del grupo Aritzak "Robles". De su disco de 2008 "Hamar urte (Diez años)". Beautiful song of group Aritzak "oaks". From his 2008 album "Hamar urte (Ten years)." Imágenes obtenidas de la película de John Ford, "El hombre tranquilo". Images obtained from the John Ford film, "The Quiet Man".