

Torre Joseba | Johnstone David, Trigueros José A.

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17m 18s
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Kantuz for Cello and Orchestra (2014-15) - by JOSEBA TORRE (soloist David Johnstone)
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Duration: 16 mins 20 secs Live Concert Recording, without cuts or editing! ….…… NAK 2017 Festival de Música Contemporánea de Navarra / Nafarroako Musika Garaikidearen Jaialdia Organizado por CmC GARAIKIDEAK y AYUNTAMIENTO DE PAMPLONA/IRUÑEKO UDALA Con la colaboración de ORQUESTA SINFÓNICA DE NAVARRA / NAFARROAKO ORKESTRA SINFONIKOA, FUNDACIÓN BALUARTE FUNDAZIOA y GOBIERNO DE NAVARRA/NAFARROAKO GOBERNUA. Septiembre 2017, Pamplona/ Iruña ORQUESTA SINFÓNICA DE NAVARRA / NAFARROAKO ORKESTRA SINFONIKOA BALUARTE. SALA PRINCIPAL. Iruña-Pamplona, Navarra. Obras de Joseba Torre, Jesús Echeverría y Koldo Pastor. Director: José Trigueros. Solista: David Johnstone. ….. KANTUZ (2014-15) - Joseba Torre The work “Kantuz” of Joseba Torre is not a concerto work as such; a better description would be an elegiac concertante piece full of tenderness and spirituality. In this composition the role of the solo cellist as a willing creative participant to explore new roads is absolutely vital, for many sections are noted as approximations but have to be fully interpreted by the performer. Therefore the duration is around fifteen minutes but will vary a little performance to performance. The cello is the voice which narrates the composition, in the same way that Strauss did with Don Quixote, or Bloch did with Schelomo. However the textures are much more modern, some of the shades and colourings perhaps influenced by Dutilleux. The highly expressive colour is accentuated by the regular connections to Arab scales and contours by the soloist, which is very uncommon in cello repertoire. The cello is called upon to be heard in all its registers, including passages of exceedingly high notes. The orchestration is quite big but always discreet - when they accompany the cello solo they support on a tonal level but are almost inevitably on a second level in melodic cells. Yet there are also many moments when the cello soloist is alone, without accompaniment, and yet others when the orchestra plays alone without soloist which perhaps might resemble the traditional ‘tutti’ of the orchestration. The overall sensation is that this is a work to enjoy in a world of tranquility, but one that needs a good orchestra, a good soloist, and a good concert hall to bring out the very best of the delicacies and tenderness which is amply on offer. ….. La dirección corre a cargo de José Trigueros, uno de los directores jóvenes con más proyección internacional y el único español, entre los ocho jóvenes directores de todo el mundo, elegidos para participar en el 7º curso de dirección de orquesta del Maestro David Zinman con la prestigiosa Tonhalle Orchester de Zürich. ….. See much more of David Johnstone’s cello playing, composition and hundreds of arrangements in the web page johnstone-music